epub | 9.04 MB | English | Cesar Anton Dorantes | 2019 | Packt Publishing

Book Description :

Effectively implement and administer business solutions on any scale in a cost-effective way to have a competitive advantage using Gsuite
Key Features
[*]Enhance administration with Admin console and Google Apps Script
[*]Prepare for the G suite certification using the concepts in the book
[*]Learn how to use reports to monitor, troubleshoot and optimize G SuiteBook Description
Hands-On G Suite for Administrators is a comprehensive hands-on guide to G Suite Administration that will prepare you with all you need to know to become a certified G Suite Administrator, ready to handle all the business scales, from a small office to a large enterprise. You will start by learning the main features, tools, and services from G Suite for Business and then, you will explore all it has to offer and the best practices, so you can make the most out of it. We will explore G Suite tools in depth so you and your team get everything you need -combination of tools,...

Category : | System Administration Disaster & Recovery, Network Disaster & Recovery Administration

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