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Вы здесь » www.prizrak.ws » Аниме обои и картинки » Ergo Proxy>>картинки,кадры,арт,обои

Ergo Proxy>>картинки,кадры,арт,обои

Сообщений 1 страница 30 из 31



Вот единственное что могу добавть в оправдание своих последних слов))))




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

Святое, а значит неприкосновенное - это единственное, к чему стоит прикасаться.
(с)Оскар Уайльд




Подпись автора

Святое, а значит неприкосновенное - это единственное, к чему стоит прикасаться.
(с)Оскар Уайльд




Подпись автора

Святое, а значит неприкосновенное - это единственное, к чему стоит прикасаться.
(с)Оскар Уайльд



Что мне нравится в этом анiме, так это рисовка... любо дорого посмотреть))

https://i046.radikal.ru/0806/54/dce045c79792t.jpg   https://i026.radikal.ru/0806/46/c17484026bcet.jpg   https://i039.radikal.ru/0806/b0/f698366e4a09t.jpg
https://i030.radikal.ru/0806/02/718d65a13541t.jpg   https://i005.radikal.ru/0806/c1/3c720c51cf3et.jpg   https://i034.radikal.ru/0806/d6/33c7453e794ct.jpg

Подпись автора

Не знать - плохо, не хотеть знать - еще хуже.




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф



ВРоде бы Эрго...




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

A contario:
В логике - метод доказательства, заключающийся в доказательстве невозможности положения, противоречащего доказываемому.



AzTair написал(а):


повтор картинки удаляю/Просматривай все картинки прежде чем постить /

Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф



Сорри но  в 19 посте первая и вторая картинка ... не с Эрго Проси, а с Witch Hunter Robin...)))
извиняюсь з дотошность

Отредактировано Svarog (2009-03-18 16:06:09)

Подпись автора

Святое, а значит неприкосновенное - это единственное, к чему стоит прикасаться.
(с)Оскар Уайльд




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

...в небе облака превратятся в туман,глаза заслезятся...ты лишишься ума, пыль рассыпается,начинается тьма... но ты узнаешь - это она...




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф


Вы здесь » www.prizrak.ws » Аниме обои и картинки » Ergo Proxy>>картинки,кадры,арт,обои