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Вы здесь » www.prizrak.ws » Аниме обои и картинки » Bleach>>картинки


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по мойму давно уже не новичок а все туда же для яойных картинок есть отдельная тема

Bleach yaoi hentai yuri

Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф



Haos Ren
Каюсь! Честно не знало! Только не бейте по почкам!))

Подпись автора

Улыбайся! :)




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф



Народ, подскажите чем Блич закончился, а то у нас в сетке не выложили поле сотой серии. С кем Ичи будет? Или рэйтинг мульта так и будет на нуле?


Подпись автора

Улыбайся! :)



Izo написал(а):

Народ, подскажите чем Блич закончился, а то у нас в сетке не выложили поле сотой серии. С кем Ичи будет? Или рэйтинг мульта так и будет на нуле?

Ты чо ? еще манга вся ненарисована


Подпись автора

Arite no itoi, nakute no shinobi...
Член Клуба <Антияой>



Бличу конца не видно, сейчас более 151 серии, знаю точно что будет 200 или больше, потому что до логического конца им еще далеко...

З.Ы. сам Ичиго никому не признается, даже по поведению не определишь кто ему нравица, зато Орихиме его "daisuki"


Отредактировано Шикимару (2007-12-08 17:34:44)

Подпись автора

Тьмы низших истин нам дороже, нас возвышаюший обман...
Добро побеждает зло... значит кто победил, тот и добрый^_^
Психоделичные танцы кавайных клонов
Глава Клуба <Антияой>       Я - Аскаголик, Я - Реефил!!
Kirishima Mana dai suki!!




Шикимару написал(а):

зато Орихиме его "daisuki"

Ну эт понятно. Ичи просто еще маленький, ему ж тока 15. У него, так сказать, ветер и драчки в голове!)))


Подпись автора

Улыбайся! :)




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф



Обожаю Блич! ^_^

Подпись автора

Улыбайся! :)




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф



:wacko: Почему картинки не увеличиваются"!Они такие прикольные, но маленькие!

Подпись автора

Улыбайся! :)




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф




Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


Член клуба Позити ффф


Вы здесь » www.prizrak.ws » Аниме обои и картинки » Bleach>>картинки