Javascript & Jquery: From Zero To Hero 
Published 5/2024 
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz 
Language: English

| Size: 3.45 GB[/align]
| Duration: 12h 31m 
Learn to build engaging websites, components and interfaces for real world applications.

[b]What you'll learn[/b]

Master JavaScript Fundamentals: No prior experience required; start from basics.

Deep Dive into JavaScript Variables and Scoping

Understand JavaScript Data Types

Implement Control Flow

Master Functions and Event Handling

Advanced JavaScript Objects and Arrays

Effective Date and Time Handling

Understanding 'this' Keyword in Context

Robust Error Handling Techniques

Harness the Power of the JavaScript Math Object

Fetch API for Network Requests

Learn to use JavaScript in the context of Internet Browsers

Building Interactive Web Applications

Explore jQuery for Fast and Concise Code

Mastering jQuery Selectors and AJAX

Client-Side Data Validation with jQuery

Build reusable components which serve a purpose in most modern websites

Performance Optimization in JavaScript and jQuery


Basic knowledge of computer usage

Basic knowledge of HTML & CSS

Internet connection


Burning to get into website development? Eager to dive into the world of JavaScript and jQuery? Considering a career switch, or looking to enhance your existing coding skills? Overwhelmed by the plethora of learning options and not sure where to start?You've found the perfect starting line!Welcome to "JavaScript & jQuery - From Zero to Hero," your gateway to mastering web programming. I'm Marko, your guide and instructor on this journey through the dynamic world of JavaScript and the simplifying elegance of jQuery.This comprehensive Udemy course is designed to transform beginners into proficient developers, capable of crafting interactive and high-performance web applications.Imagine assembling your first complex gadget or piece of furniture, piece by piece. This course is much like that, but for building digital constructs. Here, JavaScript and jQuery are your tools; the web is your workshop.Whether you're starting with little to no coding experience or looking to solidify and expand your knowledge of JavaScript, this course is tailored to arm you with the skills needed to become a confident, creative, and capable web developer.I understand the challenges and frustrations that come with learning programming-sifting through confusing syntax, debugging elusive errors, and translating logic into code. I've been there, but I've also experienced the triumphs and breakthroughs that make coding profoundly rewarding.Here's what this journey entails:Introduction to JavaScript: You'll start by learning the syntax and basic constructs of JavaScript, the scripting language that powers the web.Deep Dive into jQuery: Simplify and enhance your JavaScript capabilities with jQuery, learning to streamline and extend your scripts effortlessly.Dynamic HTML Manipulation: Use JavaScript and jQuery to dynamically modify HTML elements, adapting content in real-time to user interactions.Styling with CSS and jQuery: Go beyond static designs to implement responsive and animated web design elements that react to user interactions.Event Handling: Master JavaScript events and jQuery event methods to create highly interactive and user-friendly interfaces.Building Real-World Projects: From a multi-level dropdown to an interactive image gallery, you'll build practical projects that solidify your coding skills and enhance your portfolio.AJAX for Seamless Data Operations: Learn to fetch, display, and manage data without ever reloading your web page, providing smooth and fast user experiences.Why invest your time in this JavaScript and jQuery course?Career Opportunities: JavaScript is the language of the web, and knowing jQuery only makes you more valuable as a developer. Whether you aim to work in startups, tech giants, or freelance, these skills will open many doors.Creative and Fun: There's a unique joy in bringing data to life, animating web pages, and building cool, functional digital products-skills that you'll learn and apply in this course.Cost Efficiency: For entrepreneurs and hobbyists alike, knowing how to handle web development in-house can significantly cut costs and allow for more creative control.Common Concerns:Time Constraints: Worry not! This course is designed to accommodate even the busiest schedules with modular lessons that are concise yet comprehensive. Learn at your pace, anytime, anywhere.Complexity Fears: I break down every concept into bite-sized, manageable sections, ensuring you grasp the fundamentals before moving on to more complex topics. It's structured learning made engaging and effective.Practicality and Application: This course emphasizes real-world applications. You'll see the direct impact of what you learn with hands-on projects that reinforce every lesson.Career Enhancement: Completing this course will not only equip you with in-demand skills but also provide a certificate of completion that can bolster your resume or LinkedIn profile.What makes this course unique?Comprehensive Coverage: From basic JavaScript to advanced jQuery techniques including AJAX, you'll leave this course with a deep understanding of what you can do with these powerful tools.Interactive Learning Experience: Engage with extensive coding exercises, quizzes, and projects that ensure you apply what you've learned.Expert Instructor: With years of software development and teaching experience, I bring both depth and clarity to my lessons, helping you make meaningful connections between concepts.Community and Support: Join a community of like-minded learners with whom you can share insights, projects, and challenges. Plus, get personalized feedback when you need it!Whether you're a total novice or a programmer looking to upgrade your skills, "JavaScript & jQuery - From Zero to Hero" is tailored to catapult you into the world of modern web development.Ready to start coding? Let's embark on this exciting adventure together. Join now and transform your ideas into reality, one line of code at a time!Embark on your journey to becoming a JavaScript and jQuery hero today-your future as a web developer awaits!


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Course Introduction

Lecture 2 What are HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Lecture 3 How are Web Pages Served

Lecture 4 Installing Visual Studio Code

Section 2: JavaScript Basics

Lecture 5 JavaScript Intro

Lecture 6 JavaScript Basics

Lecture 7 Variables Intro

Lecture 8 Variables Practice

Section 3: JavaScript Data Types

Lecture 9 Data Types Intro

Lecture 10 Data Types Basics

Lecture 11 String Data Type

Lecture 12 Number Data Type

Lecture 13 Boolean Data Type

Lecture 14 Special Data Types

Lecture 15 Data Type Conversion Intro

Lecture 16 Converting Strings to Numbers

Lecture 17 Converting Numbers to Strings

Section 4: JavaScript Operators

Lecture 18 JavaScript Operators Intro

Lecture 19 Arithmetic Operators

Lecture 20 Assignment Operators

Lecture 21 Comparison Operators

Lecture 22 Logical Operators

Section 5: JavaScript Conditional Statements

Lecture 23 JavaScript Conditional Statements Intro

Lecture 24 If Statement

Lecture 25 Switch Statement

Lecture 26 Ternary Operator

Section 6: JavaScript Functions

Lecture 27 JavaScript Functions Intro

Lecture 28 Functions

Lecture 29 Arrow Functions

Section 7: JavaScript Events

Lecture 30 JavaScript Events Intro

Lecture 31 Working with Events

Lecture 32 Custom Events

Section 8: JavaScript Objects

Lecture 33 JavaScript Objects Intro

Lecture 34 Working with Objects

Lecture 35 Object Constructors

Section 9: JavaScript Arrays

Lecture 36 JavaScript Arrays Intro

Lecture 37 Working with Arrays

Lecture 38 Array Functions

Section 10: JavaScript Loops

Lecture 39 JavaScript Loops Intro

Lecture 40 Working with Loops

Lecture 41 Break and Continue Statements

Section 11: JavaScript Dates

Lecture 42 Dates Intro

Lecture 43 Creating, getting and setting Dates

Lecture 44 Formatting Dates

Lecture 45 Comparing Dates

Lecture 46 Dates Arithmetic

Section 12: JavaScript Math Object

Lecture 47 Math Object Intro

Lecture 48 Math Object Properties

Lecture 49 Math Object Methods

Section 13: JavaScript This Keyword

Lecture 50 This Keyword Intro

Lecture 51 This Keyword Practice

Section 14: JavaScript Error Handling

Lecture 52 JavaScript Error Handling Intro

Lecture 53 Try, catch finally statement

Section 15: JavaScript Fetch API

Lecture 54 JavaScript Fetch API Intro

Lecture 55 Get Requests

Lecture 56 Post Requests

Section 16: JavaScript Fundamentals Exercises

Lecture 57 JavaScript Fundamentals Exercises Intro

Lecture 58 Arrays and Loops Exercise

Lecture 59 Events and Fetch API Exercise

Lecture 60 Objects Exercise

Lecture 61 Calculator Exercise

Lecture 62 Best Practices for Writing JavaScript

Section 17: Working with JavaScript in Internet Browsers

Lecture 63 JavaScript in Internet Browsers

Lecture 64 Selecting Elements

Lecture 65 Working with HTML

Lecture 66 Working with CSS

Lecture 67 Built-in Events

Lecture 68 Building a UI Calculator

Section 18: JQuery

Lecture 69 JQuery Intro

Lecture 70 JQuery Basics

Lecture 71 JQuery Implementation

Lecture 72 JQuery Selectors

Lecture 73 JQuery Selectors Implementation

Lecture 74 JQuery HTML

Lecture 75 JQuery HTML Implementation

Lecture 76 JQuery DOM Navigation

Lecture 77 JQuery CSS Intro

Lecture 78 JQuery CSS Implementation

Lecture 79 JQuery CSS Positioning

Lecture 80 JQuery Events

Lecture 81 JQuery Events Implementation

Lecture 82 JQuery Effects and Animations

Lecture 83 JQuery Effects and Animations Implementation

Lecture 84 JQuery AJAX

Lecture 85 JQuery AJAX Implementation

Lecture 86 JQuery AJAX Methods

Lecture 87 JQuery AJAX Forms

Lecture 88 JQuery Validation

Lecture 89 Person Records Exercise Intro

Lecture 90 Person Records Exercise Solution

Lecture 91 Best Practices for Writing JQuery

Section 19: Building Reusable Components with JS and jQuery

Lecture 92 Building a Multi-Level Dropdown HTML

Lecture 93 Building a Multi-Level Dropdown CSS

Lecture 94 Building a Multi-Level Dropdown JS

Lecture 95 Building an Accordion HTML

Lecture 96 Building an Accordion CSS

Lecture 97 Building an Accordion JS

Lecture 98 Building an Image Slider HTML

Lecture 99 Building an Image Slider CSS

Lecture 100 Building an Image Slider JS

Lecture 101 Building an Interactive Gallery HTML

Lecture 102 Building an Interactive Gallery CSS

Lecture 103 Building an Interactive Gallery JS

Lecture 104 Building Interactive Tables HTML

Lecture 105 Building Interactive Tables CSS

Lecture 106 Building Interactive Tables JS

Section 20: Summary

Lecture 107 Final Words

Individuals starting from scratch who aim to master building a professional, attractive, and adaptable website.,Learners with a basic understanding of JavaScript, seeking to effectively combine their skills to craft an outstanding website.,Developers looking to broaden their expertise by delving into JavaScript and JQuery.,Enthusiasts looking to embark on a journey into frontend web development,People who want to become professional web developers


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