Human Gravity  An Engineer's Analysis of Society Government Relations
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Size : 4.89 MB |
English |

: Humanity lives inside 4 unyielding constraints, the speed of light, conservation of mass-energy, inefficiency in conversion of heat to work, and the law of demand. Society forms to deal with constraint. Government and religion set boundaries for society to deal with modeling and manipulating constraint.
A societal dimension, moral consequence, and a government dimension, fairness, can be developed from mass-energy conservation equations for Society and its Economy. A model is proposed to relate these dimensions developing the Societal Operating Line (SOL) and definition of Productivity.
The stability of a society can be determined by the forces applied to the SOL. A stable society will balance the forces of productivity and order versus the force of adversity. A special case of the forces acting on the SOL leads to the definition of a right, the fundamental building block of a Free Society.
Improving fairness by government taking productivity from society is...

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