Adaptive Software Development  A Collaborative Approach to Managing Complex Systems
Type : epub |
Size : 2.46 MB |
English |

: This is the digital version of the printedbook (Copyright © 2000).
Winner of the 2001 Software DevelopmentJolt Product Excellence Award
This innovative text offers apractical, realistic approach to managing high-speed, high-changesoftware development projects. Consultant James A. Highsmith shoreaders how to increase collaboration and adapt to uncertainty.
Many organizations start high-speed,high-change projects without knowing how to do them-and evenworse, without knowing they don't know. Successful completionof these projects is often at the expense of the project team.
[b]Adaptive SoftwareDevelopment[/b] emphasizes an adaptive, collaborativeapproach to software development. The concepts allow developers to"scale-up" rapid application development and extremeprogramming approaches for use on larger, more complexprojects.
The four goals of the book are to 
support an adaptive culture or mindset, inwhich change and uncertainty are assumed to be the naturalstate-not a false expectation of order
introduce frameworks to guide theiterative process of managing change
institute collaboration, the interactionof people on three levels: interpersonal, cultural, andstructural
add rigor and discipline to the RADapproach, making it scalable to the uncertainty and complexity ofreal-life undertakings

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