File size: 114.1 MB

Total CAD Converter converts CAD files to PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, WMF, PNG, DXF, BMP, CGM, HPGL, SVG, PS, and SWF.

Source formats include dxf, dwg, dwf, dwfx, plt, hg, hgl, hpg, plo, hp, hpl, hpgl, hp1, hp2, hpgl2, gl2, spl, svg, cgm. Total CAD Converter's user-friendly interface and built-in wizard make it easy to apply project settings (it will even auto-remember previous job settings so that next you won't need to recreate them from scratch). Total CAD Converter also includes support for project set-up via the command line.
Total CAD Converter offers several unique options when converting lots of CAD files at once:

When you convert multiple CAD files to PDF or TIFF you can combine all source files into a single target file. For instance, convert five CAD drawings into one multi-page TIFF or PDF.

When converting CAD files to images you can resize, crop and rotate them simultaneously.

If you'd prefer to create PDF copies of your CAD drawings, you can do so by adding a digital signature to the output files. More unique options

Looking to use the CAD converter in your asp or php application with ActiveX Try the Total CAD ConverterX (SDK). With it, you gain access to a powerful command line CAD converter minus the GUI.


Converts CAD files in batch

Autodesk AutoCAD 2016 is supported

Command line support

Many output file types

Resizes CAD drawings

Rotates CAD drawings

Crops CAD drawings

Turns color drawings to black-and-white

Makes the lines thicker if you need

Adds watermarks to output files


ActiveX and Server version
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