Udemy   Digital Marketing Data   DMPs, Device Graphs, and Regulation
Language: English
Files Type:mp4, srt, html| Size:843.05 MB
Video:01:40:20 |  1280X720 | 1770 Kbps
Audio:mp4a-40-2 | 128 Kbps | AAC

About :
Videos Files :

1. Welcome to The Course.mp4 (61.66 MB)
2. Digital Marketing Data Agenda.mp4 (7.96 MB)
1. What is a Data Management Platform (DMP).mp4 (6.32 MB)
2. Types of Data that DMPs Collect.mp4 (50.47 MB)
3. How does a DMP collect user data.mp4 (21.55 MB)
4. Top DMPs Companies.mp4 (11.82 MB)
5. How to pick the right DMP.mp4 (9.98 MB)
1. What is a Walled Garden and what data do they have.mp4 (44.03 MB)
2. What is the business case behind a Walled Garden.mp4 (68.12 MB)
1. Why is a Device Graph important.mp4 (36.04 MB)
2. Difference between Device Graph and Identity Graph.mp4 (36.32 MB)
3. How do the Graphs work.mp4 (20.97 MB)
1. PII   Personally Identifiable Information and use cases.mp4 (62.48 MB)
2. GDPR   General Data Protection Regulation.mp4 (95.14 MB)
3. CCPA   California Consumer Privacy Act.mp4 (21.5 MB)
4. COPPA   Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.mp4 (26.96 MB)
5. Apple   App Tracking Transparency.mp4 (68.55 MB)
6. Google   Cookie Deprecation.mp4 (32.57 MB)
7. Unified ID 2.0 and the Post Cookie world.mp4 (86.22 MB)
1. How the data landscape is changing.mp4 (10.32 MB)
2. What is the industry doing to get ahead of changes.mp4 (7.34 MB)
3. Why should you, as an advertiser, care.mp4 (5.28 MB)
4. Recap & Thank You!.mp4 (51.3 MB)