Advanced HTML CSS & SASS Build and Deploy Modern Websites
Language: English
Files Type: mp4, css, scss, ds_store, js, json, html, map| Size: 5.73 GB
Video: 12:18:49 |  1280X720 | 1395 Kbps
Audio: mp4a-40-2 | 128 Kbps | AAC

Videos Files :
1   Introduction.mp4 (36.14 MB)
2   Setup Developer Environment.mp4 (74.74 MB)
60   Project overview.mp4 (11.7 MB)
61   Starter Files.mp4 (22.67 MB)
62   Website Settings & Variables.mp4 (25.61 MB)
63   Website Navigation.mp4 (31.08 MB)
64   Website Header.mp4 (49.22 MB)
65   Website Services.mp4 (28.44 MB)
66   Responsive Design.mp4 (30.03 MB)
68   Project Overview.mp4 (52.93 MB)
69   Starter Files.mp4 (29.71 MB)
70   Website Settings & Variables.mp4 (15.24 MB)
71   Website Header & Navigation.mp4 (32.46 MB)
72   Image Collections Section.mp4 (73.27 MB)
73   Spring Summer Fall Winter Collection.mp4 (63.53 MB)
75   Essential Extensions.mp4 (85.89 MB)
76   Optional Extensions.mp4 (123.47 MB)
77   Environmental Specific Extensions.mp4 (87.5 MB)
78   Essential Keyboard Shortcuts.mp4 (40.23 MB)
79   Create you own Keyboard Shortcuts & New File Extension.mp4 (14.4 MB)
80   03Import other Keymap extensions.mp4 (11.27 MB)
81   What is SASS and why learn it.mp4 (12.96 MB)
82   How does Sass work.mp4 (10.56 MB)
83   Features of Sass.mp4 (14.12 MB)
84   Visual Studio Code Sass Compiler.mp4 (48.69 MB)
85   Working with Scss Partials & import rule.mp4 (28.55 MB)
86   Scss Nesting & Parent selector.mp4 (48.43 MB)
87   Scss Variables.mp4 (28.49 MB)
88   Scss Data Types Lists.mp4 (23.35 MB)
89   Scss each rule.mp4 (37.77 MB)
90   Scss Data Types Maps.mp4 (59.7 MB)
91   Scss functions rule.mp4 (27.55 MB)
92   Scss mixin & include rule.mp4 (54.66 MB)
93   Scss if and else.mp4 (34.18 MB)
94   Scss extend Classes rule.mp4 (45.23 MB)
100   Utility Classes.mp4 (14.94 MB)
101   Text alignment classes.mp4 (5.94 MB)
102   Font size classes.mp4 (24.15 MB)
103   Padding classes.mp4 (21.29 MB)
104   Margins classes.mp4 (10.83 MB)
105   Title & Subtitle Class.mp4 (27.22 MB)
106   Text and Background Color Classes.mp4 (27.84 MB)
96   Sandbox and Global Settings.mp4 (29.22 MB)
97   Global Variables.mp4 (17.55 MB)
98   Global Maps.mp4 (16.13 MB)
99   Utility Functions & Mixins.mp4 (16.95 MB)
108   Project overview.mp4 (7.32 MB)
108   Project Button Component 01 Project overview.mp4 (25.59 MB)
110   Create a main btn class.mp4 (55.64 MB)
111   Create multiple button types.mp4 (25.29 MB)
112   Create multiple button size.mp4 (57.37 MB)
113   Create closing buttons.mp4 (26.91 MB)
115   Project overview.mp4 (3.02 MB)
117   Create the main alert class.mp4 (16.51 MB)
118   Create multiple alert class types.mp4 (16.85 MB)
119   Closing Alert with animation.mp4 (34.45 MB)
120   Example Form submission with missing input alert.mp4 (20.38 MB)
122   Project overview.mp4 (2.27 MB)
124   Create main card class.mp4 (42.79 MB)
125   Create a card header and footer.mp4 (38.45 MB)
126   Create multiple card types.mp4 (16.31 MB)
128   Project overview.mp4 (4.17 MB)
130   Create navbar class for multiple screen sizes.mp4 (54.15 MB)
131   Show hide navbar on click.mp4 (40.79 MB)
133   Project Overview.mp4 (36.06 MB)
135   Project setup.mp4 (51.56 MB)
136   Create project variables and general website settings.mp4 (30.99 MB)
137   Create navigation using navbar component.mp4 (62.36 MB)
138   Create header section.mp4 (41.21 MB)
139   Create categories section.mp4 (85.56 MB)
140   Create offers section.mp4 (33.08 MB)
141   Create testimonials section.mp4 (103.38 MB)
142   Create global footer.mp4 (31.12 MB)
143   Create Login page and form.mp4 (46.27 MB)
144   Create Registration page form.mp4 (26.14 MB)
145   Create welcome page.mp4 (62.7 MB)
146   Make website responsive.mp4 (104.27 MB)
147   Deploy the website to Netify.mp4 (49.88 MB)
10   HTML Horizontal Rules & Line Breaks.mp4 (11.63 MB)
11   HTML div Element.mp4 (27.1 MB)
12   HTML Styling.mp4 (41.4 MB)
13   HTML Lists.mp4 (23.94 MB)
14   HTML Links.mp4 (18.59 MB)
15   HTML Imgages.mp4 (52.67 MB)
16   HTML Semantic Elements.mp4 (36.67 MB)
17   HTML header Tag.mp4 (15.03 MB)
18   HTML nav Tag.mp4 (18.98 MB)
19   HTML section Tag.mp4 (15.93 MB)
20   HTML main & article Tag.mp4 (49.74 MB)
21   HTML audio & iframe tags.mp4 (38.83 MB)
22   HTML footer Tag.mp4 (25.24 MB)
23   HTML Symbols and Icons.mp4 (75.59 MB)
24   What is CSS & How to create and link CSS to HTML.mp4 (53.28 MB)
25   CSS Selectors.mp4 (43.22 MB)
26   HTML ID and there CSS selection.mp4 (69.13 MB)
27   HTML Classes and there CSS selection.mp4 (60.9 MB)
28   CSS Colors.mp4 (38.58 MB)
29   CSS Backgrounds.mp4 (63.23 MB)
3   About this Project.mp4 (36.04 MB)
30   CSS Borders.mp4 (47.03 MB)
31   CSS Margins and Paddings.mp4 (102.17 MB)
32   CSS Selects All and General Reset.mp4 (55.45 MB)
33   Text Formatting.mp4 (25.67 MB)
34   CSS Fonts & External Fonts.mp4 (67.03 MB)
35   CSS Height Width and Maxwidth.mp4 (42.73 MB)
36   CSS Pseudeclass.mp4 (80.05 MB)
37   CSS Pseudoelement.mp4 (20.45 MB)
38   CSS Layout The position Property.mp4 (64.41 MB)
5   What is HTML and how to create a HTML file.mp4 (42.74 MB)
6   HTML Elements.mp4 (39.35 MB)
7   HTML Comments.mp4 (13.37 MB)
8   HTML Headings.mp4 (23.35 MB)
9   HTML Paragraphs & Dummy Text.mp4 (24.34 MB)
148   Project overview.mp4 (7.82 MB)
149   Create a GitHub Repository for the project.mp4 (10.55 MB)
150   Starter Files & HTML description.mp4 (29.79 MB)
151   Project Setup & Variables.mp4 (41.91 MB)
152   Form component.mp4 (66.68 MB)
153   Results component & Mobile design.mp4 (22.55 MB)
154   Publish application to GitHub Pages.mp4 (21.51 MB)
39   CSS Flexbox.mp4 (81.87 MB)
40   CSS Grid.mp4 (65.15 MB)
41   Create Multiple Webpage.mp4 (42.72 MB)
42   Shared Web Page Structure.mp4 (10.23 MB)
43   Navigate between web pages.mp4 (65.64 MB)
44   CSS Form input label & more.mp4 (100.09 MB)
45   Contact Infos Email Phone Fax Address and Webpage.mp4 (48.21 MB)
46   CSS Transitions.mp4 (46.29 MB)
47   CSS Image Reflection.mp4 (38.36 MB)
48   CSS 2D Transform.mp4 (104.55 MB)
49   CSS Animations.mp4 (38.4 MB)
50   What are CSS Media Queries.mp4 (98.57 MB)
51   Responsive About Page.mp4 (99.36 MB)
52   Responsive Blog Page and Post.mp4 (103.96 MB)
53   Responsive Post.mp4 (129.05 MB)
54   What is GitHub & Create a GitHub Account.mp4 (39.19 MB)
55   Create a Repository & Publish your Website the internet.mp4 (65.99 MB)
56   How to use CSS calc.mp4 (15.11 MB)
57   Examples with CSS calc.mp4 (39.21 MB)
58   What are CSS Variables.mp4 (34.76 MB)
59   Using CSS Variables.mp4 (60.7 MB)