Noemi's Toscana Rebirth (NTR) v0.2 [beWilder]

Adult Porn-Game

Updated: 24-September-2018 
Genre: Female protagonist, Adventure, Corruption, Age, Lesbian, Milfing, Voyeurism, NTR, Cuckoldry
Censorship: None
Developer/Publisher: beWilder
Version: v0.2 + Official Walkthrough​
Platform: PC / Windows
Language: English
Size: 511 MB

Our heroine Noemi (call her Noe, everyone else does) is the only child of an Italian (Florentine) immigrant to the USA, who is also a self made entrepreneur and chef. She runs her own restaurant in a small neighbourhood in suburban Philadelphia with her fiancé Brad and her long-term waitresses, who are like sisters to her. Life has been good to her. too good. It all comes crashing down around her when her father is sent to an early grave and his secret debts come to light. As his only heir, they become Noe's and just like that she is under a burden of a 6-figure payment. That's not her only problem however as the biggest chain restaurant in town opens its dozenth location just across the street. She learns first hand how cut throat the food business can be at the hands of Mr. Baines and his chain "Salvatore's Deli".
Noe shows us just how hard it is to fight off crushing debt and a lecherous, treacherous rival restaurateur all while trying to keep her dream shop open. She's by no means alone however as her eternally optimistic fiancé, a trio of trainee waitresses (Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey), and her last remaining regular, the grizzled ex-cop 'Old Roy' all back her up in the head-to-head with the world. Will she make it to her long awaited wedding day? And will she be the same person as she was when all this began? That's up to you now, isn't it!? C'mon by 'Little Toscana' and see what we're serving up!"​

Change-Log: v0.2
- Technical information
Version: 0.2 ('Things Can Only Get Better' Release)

- Content
⦁ 5 Full Scenes (for 10 Total).
⦁ 58 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 144 Total)
⦁ 9 New Gameplay Rendered CGs
⦁ Added 6 new days to the playable game time (now up until the end of Day 13)
⦁ New Downtime Activities: Yoga and Park Walking.
⦁ 2 New Permanent Outfits for Noe: Simple Gym Gear and Everyday Nightwear, 1 New Permanent Outfit for Kriem: 'Little Toscana' Uniform.
- Features
⦁ Enhanced Gameplay Loop, now with initial Day Off / Downtime Activities System.
⦁ Continuation of the Main Story arc and introduction of the Sal, Asana and Damon arcs.
⦁ First playable beta test ("Bare Bones version") of the new Restaurant Management gameplay, a new system of daily job-based activities for the 'Little Toscana' staff. Added Kriem as a controllable / directable character during management segments.

- Bug Fixes
⦁ The daily Management game play menu has been reworked to clean up some character displays. We also fixed the issue with switching back to Noe locking Kriem into Day off activity, which shouldn't happen anymore. Thanks to Art for reporting!

- Known Issues
⦁ Thanks to the new gameplay system, new variables had to be made and used to control the game loop. As such, old saves from v0.1 are unlikely to work correctly going forwards. We strongly recommend starting a new game, and we apologize for the necessary but still inconvenient issue. Thanks for understanding!
⦁ Issues with File Protection on Mac OS means that save files are not being created, which means the game can't be saved. We are investigating the issue, but for now Mac builds will be postponed until fixed. Thanks again to Art for reporting and in helping playtest fixes!
So that's it! We hope you enjoy another taste of Noemi, as her struggles are coming back up soon. But first, some more Nat before the week is over! Until we see them both.
