Windows 7 SP1 AIO (9-in-1) En-US ESD (x64) October 2018-Gen2 | Size 2.91 GB
Release Date : October 2018
Languages : English - United States
Setup Type : Bootable ISO
Name : Windows 7 SP1 AIO (9-in-1) En-US (x64) October 2018-Gen2
Size Iso : 3,08 GB
Checksums :
CRC32: a7f9f991
MD5: b0d11f8d9b4c4541886550e68b880576
SHA-1: 01cf93d4bd22e1520f589d286409c1e6dcd27fd7
SOURCE: X17-59465
Note :
ESD (Electronic software Distribution) : is an electronic software distribution system (ESD), not so much a format as a real technology for distribution, sales of Microsoft electronic distributions. The distribution can be an image of the Windows 10 operating system (WIM). All products in ESD format are compressed and encrypted, for example, the Windows 10 image is 35% smaller than the size of the normal Windows ISO image.
* Integrated / Pre-installed:
* Internet Explorer 11
* .NET Framework 4.7.2
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Important & Security Only Updates - 2018-10-09
* Setupcomplete / Post-install:
* Windows Defender Updates
* Windows 7 Home Premium - STD / DAZ / OEM
* Windows 7 Professional - - - -STD / DAZ / OEM
* Windows 7 Ultimate - - - - - - -STD / DAZ / OEM
* STD = Standard installation - For those with own License Key
* DAZ = Activated by DAZ Loader v2.2.2.0
* OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) will automatically
* activate original version installed by Manufacturer.
* Pre-Activated index will auto-reboot to complete the activation.
* UEFI-ready
* (Use attached Rufus USB-tool to make UEFI-bootable)
* Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset 10.0 (Microsoft DaRT)
* install.wim compressed to recovery format (install.esd)
* Create bootable USB (highly recommended) with Rufus,
* (attached) or burn to DVD at slow speed.
Screen Shots
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