Sengoku Basara Original Soundtrack
Аниме: Эпоха смут (Sengoku Basara / 戦国BASARA)
Релиз: 10 июня 2009
Жанр (genre): OST

Продолжительность: 01:03:07
Размер (Size): 120 MB
Пароль: www. a n i m e b l o g .ru

Sengoku Basara Original Soundtrack - It's Show Time!
01. JAP (TV Version) / abingdon boys school
02. Heaven's Door
03. The Beginning Of The SENGOKU Era
04. ZipangU
06. DARK CLOUD ~at the end of the road
07. Shut up ~Go to Hell
08. meditation ~wander
09. [Heaven's Door] featuring 伊達政宗 / 中井和哉
10. [水光に映る従夢] featuring 片倉小十郎 / 森川智之
11. Peaceful Days
12. Luster.
13. mastermind
14. BLAZE ~Crimson Lotus~
15. [冷眼下瞰] featuring 明智光秀 / 速水奨
16. [第六天魔王] featuring 織田信長 / 若本規夫
17. cruel AND unusual
18. RAN
19. stand FACE To face
21. Critical Heat
22. That's part of being a warrior
23. WA-SA-BI ~aiyaiyaiya-aiyaiya~
24. Unravel / DAIGO☆STARDUST

Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


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