Microsoft Activation Script v0.4 Stable | Size 1 MB
Release Date : 2018
Languages : English
System Type : 32-bit / 64-bit
Microsoft Activation Script.cmd Windows and Office Activator, Open Source and clean from Antivirus Detection
This script is the merger of previous scripts which are
W10 Digital License Activation Script
W10 LTSB 2015 Digital License Activation Script
Online KMS Activation Script
Digital + KMS Preactivation Script
+ (Added KMS38 Activation)
These previous scripts are now discontinued and from now on i'll only work on"Microsoft Activation Script"
What's new
- Removed all the Graphic ASCII characters to avoid errors in editing and viewing of this script in non English os's.
- Added additional verification in creation and deletion of online KMS task(s).
- Added 'Create Activation Task' for kms in option, its useful if user ATM don't have Internet and want system to auto activate later.
- KMS servers will be tested in ping in all scenarios now.
- In os's older than windows 7, script will show an error in opening. (script is not compatible with older os's)
- Improved KMS logs.
- HWID and KMS38 process output improved in a way so that all errors can be spotted easily.
- Read Me improved and Some cosmetic changes.
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