Image above made by flickr user fudo_shin.

Here are scans of an article from Dec. 2007 Kendo World magazine.
The article is about Nito practice and is written by Yamaguchi Masato. From this article you may learn about some basic techniques of Nito, also basic strikes, waza and footwork.

Here is a little intro for you:

Kendo is usually done with one shinai, so Nito has been treated with relative indifference. Also, because Nito was excluded from official competitions in the post-war period, the number of instructors and students able to carry it on has decreased. As the appearance of the Nito style is completely different from one shinai (itto), some kendo experts tend to view Nito with scepticism. Nito does however also lend many useful things to the practice of Itto, and it can also be used as another route to reach ultimate goal of kendo.

There is little information about Nito in English. Even in Japanese there is not much available. What I have written here should act as an introduction for those looking at Nito for the first time. This is by no means supposed to be a definitive work and should not be used in lieu of a qualified Sensei. My focus is to show the technical aspects of Nito, not an in -depth background history that I fell has nothing to do with practising Nito.

Links below will lead you to the scans.

Выкладываю сканы статьи из журнала "Kendo World" за декабрь 2007 о технике Нито. Автор (C) статьи - Ямагучи Масато. Автор (C) рассказывает о базовой технике тренировки Нито,а также пишет о исполнении базовых ударов и упражнений с Нито. Рекомендуется для прочтения. Ссылки внизу приведут вас к самой статье.

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Святой атец "Весёлый Богохульник"