Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R19.024 Include Serial + Content Pack   | Size 310 MB

Release Date : 2018
Languages : English 
Operating System : Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 64-bit

CINEMA 4D R19 is a new generation of application leading in its field of 3D animation design, visual effects, drawing and rendering, which can be downloaded for free on With the new character animation, integrated stereographic properties, the interoperability of several artists (designers) and physical rendering, CINEMA 4D, based on 25 years of company experience, allows 3D artists (designers) around the world to quickly and easily create the most attractive content for any from industries.

Some innovations of Maxon CINEMA 4D R19:
    Viewport Great graphics while working. With depth of field and reflections in the space of the screen, you get a high quality image in real time, which also simplifies the location of the light sources and the setting of the reflective surfaces.
    Damage improvements. Breaking is easy. Voronoi destruction facilitates parametric breaking of objects - in R19 you can control the dynamics of the connectors, glue the debris, add parts to them and much more.
    Spherical camera. Calculate [virtual] reality. Get into today's trend - read video in 360 ° VR stereo format for YouTube, Facebook, Oculus or Vive.
    The level of detail (LOD). Increase the speed of the viewport and render and prepare objects for games.
    Polygon reduction. The new generator saves the texture superimposed on the UV coordinates.
    Scene reconstruction. Create point clouds or the main frame of the calculated movement in the footage.
    Workflow character creation. Deformation in space poses and improved process of creating weights.
    Effector of sound. Create an animation based on different frequencies of the same MP3 file.

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  Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R19.024 | Size 310 MB

OR скачать/ddedb2945d9492c8/Maxon.CINEMA.4D.Studio.R19.024.rar

   Content Pack  | Size 8.16 GB

OR скачать/4388a1c0Ff34Ac42/Maxon.CINEMA.4D.Studio.R19.Content.Pack.rar