IBM SPSS Statistics v24.0 HF002 IF015 (x64-x86) Include Crack | Size 297 MB
Release Date : 2019
Languages : English
Operating System : Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 32-bit / 64-bit
IBM SPSS Statistics can help you:
Analyze your data with new and advanced statistics:
The Advanced Statistics module offers a variety of new features within GENLINMIXED and GLM/UNIANOVA methods.
Supports Bayesian inference, which is a method of statistical inference.
Integrate better with third-party applications:
Stronger integration with Microsoft Office
Save time and effort with productivity enhancements:
Chartbuilder enhancements for building more attractive and modern- looking charts
New ground breaking features with SPSS Amos V25
Data and syntax editor enhancements
Accessibility improvements for the visually impaired
Updated merge user interface
Simplified toolbars
Licensing improvements
Using IBM SPSS Statistics, you can:
Quickly understand large and complex data sets using advanced statistical procedures, ensuring high accuracy to drive quality decision-making.
Reveal deeper insights and provide better confidence intervals with visualizations and geographic spatial analysis.
Process and deploy analytics faster with flexible deployment options.
Build a predictive enterprise, making the business more agile and maximizing return on investment.
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