14.51 GB | 00:24:25 | mp4 | 1920X1080  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1 - Introduction  (11.51 MB)
2 - About Course Update 2024 New VS Legacy Videos  (104.12 MB)
3 - Flutter Development Environment Setup Overview  (15.42 MB)
4 - Futter Dev Website Overview  (24.65 MB)
100 - HandsOn Show Saved Books in the saved Screen  (91.91 MB)
101 - HandsOn Add ToggleFavorite Status Method  (119.48 MB)
102 - HandsOn Add Books to Favorite  (34.34 MB)
103 - HandsOn Delete Book  (111.47 MB)
104 - HandsOn Save and Show Favorites  (228.98 MB)
105 - HandsOn Adjust Favorites Save Buttons Dynamically  (345.67 MB)
106 - HandsOn Simplify Showing the Save or Favorites Buttons  (65.75 MB)
107 - HandsOn Toggle the isFavorite and Change the Icon and Text on the UI  (120.84 MB)
108 - Section Summary  (12.89 MB)
76 - Introduction to the Book Tracker App Demo  (91.25 MB)
77 - HandsOn Create the Book Reader Project Adding the BottomNavigationBar  (142.21 MB)
78 - HandsOn Setting up the onTap for NavigationBarItem  (128.28 MB)
79 - HandsOn Creating All Screens and Showing On BottomNavItem Clicked  (136.35 MB)
80 - The Google Books API Endpoint Overview  (55.56 MB)
81 - HandsOn Create the Book Model Class  (156.35 MB)
82 - HandsOn The Network Class  (150.57 MB)
83 - HandsOn Getting JSON Payload and Showing in the Console  (119.95 MB)
84 - HandsOn Create a List of Book Objects Mapped into Objects Show Them  (180.5 MB)
85 - Dart Basics Control Flow Branching  (25.93 MB)
86 - Dart Basics The NOT Operator  (9.67 MB)
87 - Dart Basics TryCatch and Exceptions  (14.04 MB)
88 - HandsOn Showing Book Searches on a Listview  (195.73 MB)
89 - HandsOn Adding a Gridview and Showing Book Images  (243.55 MB)
90 - HandsOn Add Titles and Authors and Fix the Overflow Issue  (95.35 MB)
91 - HandsOn Add GestureDetector and Named Routes Show Details Screen OnClick  (217.86 MB)
92 - HandsOn Add BookDetailsArgument Pass a Book Object Null Safety in Flutter  (60.68 MB)
93 - HandsOn Add Image and Book Title to DetailsScreen  (119.77 MB)
94 - HandsOn Refactor Gridview Widget  (23.37 MB)
95 - HandsOn Add Buttons and Description of the Book  (225.55 MB)
96 - Introduction to Datases SQLite Creating the SQFlite Database Helper Class  (169.33 MB)
97 - HandsOn Add onCreate Function to Create a Table  (38.59 MB)
98 - HandsOn Add Insert and ReadAll Books Methods  (91.26 MB)
99 - HandsOn Save Book Read Books  (213.63 MB)
109 - Water Tracker Demo and Overview  (48.35 MB)
110 - HandsOn Setup FloatingActionButton and AppBar  (132.59 MB)
111 - HandsOn Setup Firebase Realtime Database Backend  (34.64 MB)
112 - HandsOn Add AlertDialog and TextField  (142.81 MB)
113 - HandsOn Save a Water Amount to Firebase Using HTTP Request  (147.73 MB)
114 - HandsOn Create Water Model  (27.49 MB)
115 - HandsOn Add Provider Class  (42.8 MB)
116 - HandsOn Use Provider To Save an Water Entry  (147.42 MB)
117 - HandsOn Adding Water Item into the Database and Refreshing the UI ISSUES  (67.68 MB)
118 - HandsOn ISSUE FIX Show Added Items the Right Way Add a WaterModel to List  (221.6 MB)
119 - HandsOn FIX ID Issue Revamp the ListTile to Show More  (194.74 MB)
120 - HandsOn Add Circular Progress When Loading Water Items  (93.36 MB)
121 - HandsOn Add BarChart Package and Show BarGraph with Dummy Data  (379.53 MB)
122 - HandsOn Customize the BarGraph  (78.09 MB)
123 - HandsOn Add DayOfTheWeek on The Bottom of the Graph  (110.03 MB)
124 - HandsOn Create the CalculateDailyWaterSummary Method  (50.06 MB)
125 - HandsOn Show Dynamic Water Values on the BarGraph  (165.7 MB)
126 - HandsOn Add MaxAmount Percentage for Each BarGraph  (231.59 MB)
127 - HandsOn Add Weekly Amount to AppBar  (104.43 MB)
128 - HandsOn Add Drawer  (61.08 MB)
129 - HandsOn Add Settings About Screens  (50.08 MB)
130 - Section Summary  (7.83 MB)
131 - Wrapup  (5.08 MB)
133 - Inheriting Classes with Constructors  (37.2 MB)
134 - Theming Refactoring our TextTheme Further  (88.67 MB)
135 - Implementing CameraPosition Animations  (62.9 MB)
136 - The App Development Process  (5.47 MB)
5 - Setup Flutter on Windows  (251.97 MB)
6 - Flutter Setup on Mac  (379.25 MB)
10 - Create a Flutter Project  (40.85 MB)
11 - Running our First Flutter App on Emulator  (67.5 MB)
9 - Setup VS Code IDE Installation and Setup  (49.79 MB)
12 - Why Flutter and Benefits and Motivation  (17.36 MB)
13 - HandsOn The Fortune Cookie App  (93.04 MB)
14 - Randomizing a List of Strings  (196.95 MB)
15 - Dart Basics Variables Strings and Integers and Vars  (20.96 MB)
16 - Dart Basics Introduction to Functions the Void  (17.57 MB)
17 - Dart Basics Function with Int Return Type  (13.11 MB)
18 - Dart Basics Passing Arguments in Functions  (19.46 MB)
19 - Dart Basics Function Return Types and Arguments Put it All together  (15.89 MB)
20 - HandsOn Fortune Cookie App Add a Card Introduction to Widgets  (319.66 MB)
21 - HandsOn Fortune Cookie App Add Images as Assets and Show Final Remarks  (226.48 MB)
22 - Flutter Widgets Overview Stateful vs Stateless Widgets  (27.13 MB)
23 - Widget Hierarchy and Reusability Overview  (13.43 MB)
24 - HandsOn The Build Method SetState  (181.1 MB)
25 - The Const Keyword  (66.33 MB)
26 - Tip Calculator App Introduction and Overview  (21.24 MB)
27 - Tip Calculator Create Project and Setup the AppBar  (196.42 MB)
28 - Adding a Container and Decorating It  (148.53 MB)
29 - Widgets Documentation Basics of Theming  (274.78 MB)
30 - Understanding Theme and the BuildContext  (108.29 MB)
31 - Widgets Dart Classes and Objects Introduction to OOP  (48.61 MB)
32 - Refactoring Style and Finalizing the Top Widget  (61.88 MB)
33 - Create the Bill Amount Container and the TextField  (312.16 MB)
34 - Creating the Split Bill Section  (180.17 MB)
35 - Adding the Increment and Decrement Functionality  (54.09 MB)
36 - Refactor the PersonCounter Widget  (126.79 MB)
37 - Add the TipPercentage and Slider Widgets  (177.19 MB)
38 - Dart Basics Required and Named Parameters  (13.84 MB)
39 - Refactor TipSlide Widget  (53.29 MB)
40 - Refactor the BillAmount TextField  (131.46 MB)
41 - Add Tip Calculation Logic  (181.11 MB)
42 - Tip Calculator Full Widget Refactor  (103.91 MB)
43 - Section Summary  (4.35 MB)
44 - Introduction to Provider State Management Package  (46.34 MB)
45 - Setup Provider Understanding Flutter Packages and Dependencies  (184.92 MB)
46 - Setup Provider Model Class and Implementing a Consumer  (436.64 MB)
47 - Consumer VS ProviderOf Overview  (20.53 MB)
48 - HandsOn ProviderOf Limitations  (106.89 MB)
49 - HandsOn Random Fortune App Adding a Provider  (217.12 MB)
50 - HandsOn Tip Calculator Add Provider and Code Refactor  (297.6 MB)
51 - HandsOn Tip Calculator Add ThemeProvider  (216.84 MB)
52 - HandsOn Tip Calculator Implement Dark Light Modes  (265.04 MB)
53 - Dart Intermediate Introduction to OOP Inheritance  (60.66 MB)
54 - Dart Widget Inheritance in Flutter Widgets  (51.85 MB)
55 - Dart Intermediate Override and the toString Method  (90.84 MB)
56 - Section Summary  (78.58 MB)
57 - Navigation Movie App Demo  (80.46 MB)
58 - Flutter ListviewBuilder Widget Show Movies on a Listview  (90.99 MB)
59 - Dart Arrays and Lists and Loops  (26.49 MB)
60 - Dart Lists and List Types Adding and Removing Items from a List  (23.74 MB)
61 - HandsOn Create a Movie Provider  (106.32 MB)
62 - HandsOn Adding a ListTile for Each Movie Decorate the List Items  (75.14 MB)
63 - The Movie Model Class The JSON Movie File Overview  (138.17 MB)
64 - Dart Dart Maps and Creating a Movie Model Class  (108.01 MB)
65 - HandsOn Creating the MovieParser Class  (139.19 MB)
66 - HandsOn Updating MovieProvider to Parse Movies Show Movies on the List  (171.13 MB)
67 - Dart Future Type Async Await Overview  (34.61 MB)
68 - HandsOn Costumizing ListItem with ExpansionTile  (221.68 MB)
69 - HandsOn Adding Navigation to Movie Details Screen  (73.73 MB)
70 - HandsOn Passing a Movie to Movie Details Screen  (37.86 MB)
71 - Refactor Extract Custom Widget  (22.93 MB)
72 - HandsOn Adding Image to the CircleAvatar  (79.94 MB)
73 - HandsOn Show Image Posters on Details Screen  (135.42 MB)
74 - HandsOn Hide the Read More Button  (52.39 MB)
75 - Section Summary  (13.79 MB)

