20.15 GB | 00:21:08 | mp4 | 1280X720  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1  Introduction  (21.94 MB)
1  Restuarant DataBase Design and relationships  (40.85 MB)
1 1 0037 - 0038  (39.71 KB)
2  Restaurant Schema  (129.9 MB)
3  Add Restaurant & Get Restaurant  (130.3 MB)
4  Restaurant Functions  (110.27 MB)
4 1 0039 - 0041  (41.27 KB)
5  Restaurant Postman Test and Error Fixing  (106.05 MB)
5 1 0042  (41.46 KB)
1  Food Schema  (71.84 MB)
2  AddFood and GetFoodById Functions  (74.58 MB)
3  Get Random Foods and FoodsByCategory  (77.12 MB)
4  Search and Foods By Category and Code  (159.13 MB)
5  Food Routes Postman Test and Bug Indentification  (54.66 MB)
5 1 0043 - 0047  (43.34 KB)
6  Bug Fixing  (86.16 MB)
1  Rating Schema  (65.56 MB)
2  Add Rating Function  (143.59 MB)
3  Check Rating existence  (105.04 MB)
3 1 0048 - 0051  (44.93 KB)
1  User Schema  (89.45 MB)
10  Auth Router and User Router  (41.93 MB)
11  User Router  (52.09 MB)
11 1 0060 - 0062  (49.36 KB)
12  Token Middlewares  (165.51 MB)
12 1 0063  (50.29 KB)
13  User and Auth Routes Postman Test  (75.72 MB)
2  Address Schema  (54.83 MB)
2 1 0052- 0053  (46.13 KB)
3  GenerateOtp  (34.04 MB)
4  Create User  (121.2 MB)
5  Login Function  (94.47 MB)
5 1 0054 - 0056  (47.36 KB)
6  Smtp Server  (113.36 MB)
7  Testing Otp and sending mail  (63.21 MB)
8  GetUser Function  (44.06 MB)
8 1 0057 - 0059  (48.51 KB)
9  VerifyAccount & VerifyPhone  (76.33 MB)
1  Add Address, Get Address , Delete Address  (87.64 MB)
1 1 0064 - 0065  (50.98 KB)
2  Get Default Address, SetDefault Address  (89.15 MB)
3  Addresses Postman Test  (34.9 MB)
3 1 0066 - 0067  (51.53 KB)
1  Cart schema  (33.84 MB)
2  Cart functions  (125.1 MB)
3  Cart decrement  function  (54.43 MB)
4  Cart route and postman test  (67.89 MB)
4 1 0068  - 0071  (53.33 KB)
1  OrderSchema  (117.95 MB)
2  Place Order  (58.34 MB)
3  Order Route  (58.49 MB)
3 1 0072 - 0074  (54.98 KB)
1  Creating FetchhHook, Restaurants , Foods, ApiError models  (106.04 MB)
10  Refactoring useFetchAllFood to return FoodsModel  (30.63 MB)
11  Get AllFoods by Code  (92.08 MB)
11 1 0080 - 0085  (3.46 MB)
11 2 0085 - Backend  (55.06 KB)
2  Differences and similarities between react custom hooks and flutter custo  (191.83 MB)
3  Creating first custom hook with flutter hooks  (142.31 MB)
3 1 0075 -  0077  (3.45 MB)
4  Consuming hook data inside of a widget  (171.18 MB)
5  useFetchAllCatgories Hook and serving data in All CatgoriesPage  (72.47 MB)
5 1 0078 - 0079  (3.45 MB)
6  useFetchRestaurants Hook and serving data in Nearby Restaurants  (123.37 MB)
7  Consuming useFetchAllRestaurants in AllNerByRestaurantsPage  (96.51 MB)
8  Consuming useFetchAllFoods in FoodList  (86.59 MB)
9  Refactoring and attaching recommendations to fetchAllFoods Kook  (136.19 MB)
1  SearchBar and CutomTextField  (154.9 MB)
1 1 0080 - 0085  (3.46 MB)
2  LoadingWidget  (54.18 MB)
3  SearchController  (157.67 MB)
4  Search Results  (108.36 MB)
4 1 0086 - 0089  (3.46 MB)
1  Creating a flutter project, installing dependencies and importing constants  (76.22 MB)
1 1 Foodly Flutter Starter Files  (3.37 MB)
2  Hooking Screen Utils, GetX and creating a defaultHome widget  (64.92 MB)
2 1 0001 - 0002  (3.41 MB)
1  Dynamic HomePage  (182.8 MB)
10  Fetch Restaurant by Id Hook  (121.19 MB)
11  Get Restaurant Data and Hook Restaurant Page to Relevant Widgets  (140.42 MB)
11 1 0093 - 0100  (3.46 MB)
12  Title Text and Description  (138.56 MB)
13  ListView and Food Tags mp4  (140.44 MB)
14  Additives, Counter, and CounterController  (192.94 MB)
15  Counter Functions and Dynamic Prices  (108.66 MB)
15 1 0101 - 0104  (3.47 MB)
16  Preference Text  (75.46 MB)
17  Order and Cart Buttons  (138.9 MB)
17 1 0105 - 0106  (3.47 MB)
2  Create Hook for Getting Foods By Category and Code  (90.41 MB)
3  Category Page  (214.95 MB)
3 1 0090 - 0092  (3.45 MB)
4  FoodPage Multiple Images Layout  (155.72 MB)
5  Food Image List With PageView and Indicators  (119.89 MB)
6  FoodController and Image Index Indicators  (148.11 MB)
7  FoodPage BackButton on top of a StackWidget  (44.6 MB)
8  Custom Buttom and Open Restaurant Page  (126.79 MB)
9  Restaurant Page Placeholder mp4  (47.94 MB)
1  Phone Verification Modal Bottom Sheet  (168.88 MB)
2  Phone Verification Page UI  (68.74 MB)
2 1 0107 - 0108  (3.47 MB)
1  Additives observable model  (38.44 MB)
2  LoadAdditves Function and Changing List within FoodsPage  (132.12 MB)
3  LoadAdditves Function and Changing List within FoodsPage  (41.76 MB)
4  Dynamic Pricing With Additives and Quantity Count  (90.93 MB)
4 1 0109 - 0112  (3.46 MB)
1  Restaurant Page DefaultTabController and Cover  (85.29 MB)
2  Restaurant Bottom bar  (121.77 MB)
3  RestaurantTop Bar  (85.98 MB)
3 1 0113 - 0115  (3.46 MB)
4  Distance and Estimation Text  (85.46 MB)
5  Row Text Widget  (51.14 MB)
5 1 0116 - 0117  (3.47 MB)
6  RestaurantPage TabBar  (83.28 MB)
7  TabBar Style  (53.92 MB)
1  RestaurantMenuWidget and Related Custom Hook  (124.02 MB)
2  Restaurant Recommendations  (66.1 MB)
2 1 0118 - 0121  (3.47 MB)
1  Profile Page  (110.83 MB)
10  Registration Page  (52.82 MB)
10 1 0130 -0131  (3.48 MB)
11  Login , Registerration Model  (49.32 MB)
12  Adding fcm field in the user model and creating login controller  (76.84 MB)
13  Converting model data to string  (90.82 MB)
14  Login Function  (94.76 MB)
15  Storing User data in local storage with GetStorage  (78.62 MB)
16  RegistrationController  (64.6 MB)
16 1 0132 - 0137  (3.48 MB)
17  Login Function and test logging in  (66 MB)
18  GetUserInfo Function  (81.56 MB)
19  Login Redirect in Profile Page  (65.89 MB)
2  UserInfo Widget  (23.65 MB)
20  Redirect to Verification Page  (30.66 MB)
21  Verification Page  (155.66 MB)
22  OtpTextField  (79.01 MB)
22 1 0138 - 0143  (3.48 MB)
3  Profile Tile Widget  (70.17 MB)
4  Profile Tiles Layout, Titles and Icons  (111.94 MB)
5  Profile Tiles and Log out Button  (103.18 MB)
5 1 0122 - 0126  (3.47 MB)
6  Login Redirect  (178.5 MB)
7  Email TextField  (130.45 MB)
8  Login Page  (275.39 MB)
8 1 0127 - 0129  (3.47 MB)
9  PasswordTextField  (192.52 MB)
1  VerificationPage and Functions  (215.04 MB)
2  Phone Verification UI  (160.59 MB)
3  Setting Firebase Phone Verification  (105.16 MB)
3 1 0144 - 0146  (3.5 MB)
4  Verification Services  (94.18 MB)
5  Testing phone verification  (76.97 MB)
6  Phone Verification with Loading Screen  (56.39 MB)
7  Testing and Updating Phone Number in the backend  (117.28 MB)
1  Set up Geolocator and Obtaining the maps keys  (101.53 MB)
10  Get Places Details  (33.22 MB)
11  Get postal code, address and coordinates  (157.36 MB)
12  Shipping Page AppBar  (180.57 MB)
13  Address Submission Page Layout  (127.01 MB)
13 1 0160 - 0163  (3.49 MB)
14  Default addresses instructions  (156.73 MB)
15  Addresses Page  (140.69 MB)
16  fetch addresses hook  (65.91 MB)
17  Addresses List  (56.89 MB)
18  AddressTile  (237.98 MB)
18 1 0164 - 0168  (3.51 MB)
19  Dynamic Address  (87.07 MB)
2  Setting up location  (36.58 MB)
20  Code Refactoring  (92.9 MB)
20 1 0169 - 0170  (3.5 MB)
3  Maps Permisions and Getting current Location  (112.21 MB)
3 1 0147 - 0153  (3.49 MB)
4  Reverse Geocoding and displaying location on the custom appbar  (105.43 MB)
5  Shipping adress page view and maps  (120.43 MB)
6  Google Maps  (78.3 MB)
7  Setting Markers  (163.4 MB)
8  Searching Using Google apis 1  (158.42 MB)
9  Displaying Search results 1  (135 MB)
9 1 0155 - 0159  (3.49 MB)
1  Cart Controller  (99.4 MB)
2  Cart Models and Hooks  (137.57 MB)
3  Delete Cart Items  (163.22 MB)
4  Add Product to Cart from Food Page  (139.8 MB)
4 1 0171 - 0174  (3.51 MB)
1  Orders Page  (143.35 MB)
2  Creating and passing order item to Order Page  (117.54 MB)
3  Designing Order Page  (168.88 MB)
4  OrderPage additives list  (55.45 MB)
5  DistanceTime Function  (87.24 MB)
6  Calculating Distance, time and price  (210.08 MB)
7  Displaying the delivery price and distance  (66.79 MB)
8  Creating Order Item  (150.52 MB)
9  OrderController  (105.93 MB)
1  BottomNavigationbar  (110.53 MB)
2  TabIndex GetXController and Obx  (66.56 MB)
3  Importing Flutter vector icons  (27.1 MB)
4  Bottom Navigation baricon variations  (37.23 MB)
4 1 0003 - 0006  (3.42 MB)
5  Entrypoint pagesList  (65.9 MB)
6  Creating CustomContainer  (76.95 MB)
7  CustomContainer  (47.94 MB)
7 1 0007 - 0009  (3.42 MB)
1  Payment Server  (116.09 MB)
1 1 foodly flutter payment  (38.89 KB)
2  Stripe webhook endpoint  (109.01 MB)
3  Payment Function  (74.72 MB)
4  Payment Function 2  (66.61 MB)
5  Payment Page  (125.44 MB)
6  Hooking PaymentView to Order Page  (52.47 MB)
6 1 0183 - 0190  (3.53 MB)
7  Testing Payment and getting default address  (197.12 MB)
1  UserOrders Page  (119.32 MB)
10  Phone Auth  (150.18 MB)
2  TabWidget and TabbarView  (172.51 MB)
3  Show Address Sheet and address conditions in the food page  (192.13 MB)
4  FetchOrders Hook  (109.73 MB)
5  Pending Orders Widget  (132.75 MB)
6  UserOrders Page  (112.21 MB)
7  Work on the payment server  (177.77 MB)
8  Fixing err cause by the driver id in the backend server  (12.01 MB)
8 1 0195 - 0199  (3.53 MB)
8 2 backend foodly  (55.17 KB)
8 3 foodly flutter payment-master  (15.08 MB)
9  Fix bugs on restaurants  (33.93 MB)
1  CustomAppBar  (168.09 MB)
2  CustomAppBar Error Fixes  (40.61 MB)
3  Custom AppBar Time Function  (30.38 MB)
4  Custom AppBar Dynamic Emojis  (39.55 MB)
4 1 0010 - 0013  (3.43 MB)
1  CategoryList  (110.35 MB)
2  Category Controller  (48.97 MB)
3  Category onTap  (110.74 MB)
4  CategoryWidget onTap Logic  (45.51 MB)
5  CategoryWidget code refactoring  (92.89 MB)
5 1 0014 - 0017  (3.42 MB)
1  All Categories Page and Category Tile  (92.91 MB)
2  BackGroundContainer  (58.99 MB)
3  Refactoring Category Tile  (56.27 MB)
3 1 0018 - 0020  (3.43 MB)
1  Heading Widget  (74.83 MB)
2  HeaderWidget attached pages  (96.19 MB)
2 1 0020 - 0022  (3.44 MB)
1  NearByRestaurantsList and FoodsList  (74.7 MB)
2  Restuarant Widget Design  (126.45 MB)
3  Restaurant Widget Title and rating  (80.5 MB)
4  FoodWidget  (82.08 MB)
4 1 0023 - 0026  (3.44 MB)
5  NearBy Restaurant Tile  (138.81 MB)
6  NearBy RestaurantList  (67.68 MB)
7  NearBy Restaurant tile and Restaurant List mp4  (174.06 MB)
8  FoodTile and FoodsList inside Recommendation page  (259.09 MB)
8 1 0027 - 0030  (3.44 MB)
1  Introducting the Backend Basic Architecture  (34.66 MB)
2  Initializing a fresh server and installing dependencies  (44.94 MB)
3  Configure Dotenv and Database Connection  (46.02 MB)
4  Creating DB Cluster and Extraction the URI  (50.49 MB)
5  Create Category Schema and CategotyController  (85.33 MB)
5 1 0031 - 0035  (39.03 KB)
6  GetAll Categories and GetRandom Categories Function  (81.11 MB)
6 1 0036  (39.21 KB)
7  Category router-Postman Test  (202.27 MB)
7 1 Foodly  Flutter postman environment  (1.21 KB)
7 2 Foodly postman collection  (101.94 KB)

