6.85 GB | 00:20:14 | mp4 | 1920X1080  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Course welcome and overview  (12.7 MB)
002 Course support  (5.36 MB)
003 Thought process - [Important]  (12.54 MB)
001 General IT concepts  (19.64 MB)
002 Cloud computing - An introduction  (47.57 MB)
003 Cloud deployment models  (6.63 MB)
004 The types of cloud computing  (30.99 MB)
001 AWS - An introduction  (9.95 MB)
002 AWS - Regions  (6.64 MB)
003 AWS - Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)  (4.9 MB)
004 AWS - Availability Zones  (9.74 MB)
005 AWS - Subnets  (26.08 MB)
006 AWS - Edge locations  (4.19 MB)
001 AWS - Create an AWS account - [Lab]  (17.84 MB)
002 AWS - Exploring the AWS Management Console - [Lab]  (54.63 MB)
003 Budgets - Overview  (5.41 MB)
004 Budgets - Create and set a designated budget on AWS - [Lab]  (54.24 MB)
001 IAM - Overview  (16.36 MB)
002 IAM - Create a user and a group - [Lab]  (41.05 MB)
003 IAM - Alternate sign-in option  (4.9 MB)
004 IAM - Utilise our unique URL - [Lab]  (42.74 MB)
005 IAM - Introducing Multi-Factor Authentication - (MFA)  (6.51 MB)
006 IAM - Secure your AWS accounts with MFA - [Lab]  (112.35 MB)
007 IAM - How can we access AWS  (15.01 MB)
008 IAM - Generate access keys - [Lab]  (65.57 MB)
009 IAM - Setup the AWS CLI - [Lab]  (23.3 MB)
010 CloudShell - Overview  (4.23 MB)
011 CloudShell - Utilising an Interactive shell environment - [Lab]  (24.7 MB)
012 IAM - What are password policies  (8.37 MB)
013 IAM - Create a password policy - [Lab]  (27.34 MB)
014 IAM - What are security tools  (3.69 MB)
015 IAM - Utilising security tools - [Lab]  (64.5 MB)
016 IAM - What are roles  (7.33 MB)
017 IAM - Create a role - [Lab]  (26.27 MB)
018 IAM - Best practices summary  (3.79 MB)
001 EC2 - Overview  (39.81 MB)
002 EC2 - Launching our first EC2 instance - [Lab]  (74.65 MB)
003 EC2 - Changing Instance states - [Lab]  (47.42 MB)
004 EC2 - Introduction to Security groups  (31.79 MB)
005 EC2 - Managing our Security groups - [Lab]  (57.06 MB)
006 EC2 - What are the different instance types  (17.19 MB)
007 EC2 - Exploring various instance types - [Lab]  (31.83 MB)
008 EC2 - SSH with Windows - [Optional]  (4.47 MB)
009 EC2 - Remotely connect to our EC2 Instance - [Optional]  (57.78 MB)
010 EC2 - Introduction to Instance connect  (4.48 MB)
011 EC2 - Utilise Instance connect - [Lab]  (23.56 MB)
012 EC2 - Resource cleanup - [Lab]  (28.47 MB)
013 EC2 - Instance pricing options  (9.57 MB)
014 EC2 - Instance pricing options - Deep dive - [Lab]  (30.25 MB)
015 EC2 - Quick start AMI - [Reminder]  (10.18 MB)
016 EC2 - What is an AMI  (6.83 MB)
017 EC2 - Building our own AMI - [Lab]  (159.69 MB)
001 Scalability  (18.5 MB)
002 High Availability  (14.11 MB)
001 Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) - Overview  (41.05 MB)
002 ELB - Create an application load balancer - [Lab]  (166.71 MB)
003 ELB - Testing our application load balancer - [Lab]  (86.1 MB)
004 Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) - Overview  (35.82 MB)
005 ASG - Specify a launch template - [Lab]  (41.01 MB)
006 ASG - Create an auto scaling group - [Lab]  (86.75 MB)
007 ASG - Auto scaling groups - Deep dive - [Lab]  (32.84 MB)
008 ASG - Testing our auto scaling group - [Lab]  (65.97 MB)
009 ELBASG - Resource cleanup - [Lab]  (50.86 MB)
001 S3 - Overview  (6.53 MB)
002 S3 - Working with buckets and objects - [Lab]  (285.1 MB)
003 S3 - What is a bucket policy  (10.05 MB)
004 S3 - Create a bucket policy - [Lab]  (79.13 MB)
005 S3 - Host a static website - [Lab]  (63.55 MB)
006 S3 - What is bucket versioning  (7.32 MB)
007 S3 - Enable bucket versioning - [Lab]  (122.32 MB)
008 S3 - Introduction to access logging  (7.03 MB)
009 S3 - Setup access logging on a bucket - [Lab]  (93.79 MB)
010 S3 - What is Replication  (6.4 MB)
011 S3 - Perform Cross-Region-Replication - [Lab]  (118.43 MB)
012 S3 - The different types of storage classes  (11.92 MB)
013 S3 - Defining object lock  (3.36 MB)
014 S3 - Lock an object - (Optional) -  [Lab]  (154.12 MB)
015 S3 - Resource cleanup - [Lab]  (72.79 MB)
016 Storage space with EC2  (2.34 MB)
017 EBS - Overview  (32.18 MB)
018 EBS - Create an EBS volume - [Lab]  (213.21 MB)
019 EBS - Analysing the snapshot architecture  (11.58 MB)
020 EBS - Constructing snapshots  - [Lab]  (82.11 MB)
021 EFS - Overview  (3.79 MB)
022 EC2 Instance store - Overview  (2.11 MB)
001 Database Introduction  (19.82 MB)
002 Relational Database Service (RDS) - Overview  (4.88 MB)
003 RDS - Launching our first database - [Lab]  (230.55 MB)
004 RDS - Taking and managing snapshots - [Lab]  (96.99 MB)
005 RDS - Deployment configurations  (14.31 MB)
006 DynamoDB - Overview  (8.27 MB)
007 DynamoDB - Create a table and query an Item - [Lab]  (99.31 MB)
008 DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) - Overview  (5.51 MB)
009 ElastiCache - Overview  (16.78 MB)
001 CloudFormation - Overview  (3.6 MB)
002 CloudFormation - Create a stack - [Lab]  (115.14 MB)
003 CloudFormation - Update a stack - [Lab]  (44.29 MB)
004 CloudFormation - Delete a stack - [Lab]  (23.32 MB)
005 Elastic Beanstalk - Overview  (8.09 MB)
006 Elastic Beanstalk - Create a sample application  - [Lab]  (249.07 MB)
007 CICD - An introduction  (3.13 MB)
008 CodeCommit - Overview  (6.32 MB)
009 CodeBuild - Overview  (2.48 MB)
010 CodeDeploy - Overview  (5.82 MB)
011 CodePipeline - Overview  (10.91 MB)
012 CodePipeline - Automating deployments with S3 - Part 1 - [Lab]  (97.48 MB)
013 CodePipeline - Automating deployments with S3 - Part 2 - [Lab]  (134.92 MB)
014 CodeArtifact - Overview  (2.81 MB)
015 Cloud9 IDE - Overview  (2.75 MB)
016 Cloud9 IDE - Navigating a cloud-based IDE - [Lab]  (66.45 MB)
001 Route53 - Overview  (48.24 MB)
002 Route53 - Register a domain name - [Lab]  (36.05 MB)
004 Certificate Manager - Overview  (3.95 MB)
005 Certificate Manager - Provision a SSLTLS certificate - [Lab]  (144.14 MB)
006 Certificate Manager - Load balancer certificate assignment - (Optional) - [Lab]  (241.75 MB)
007 CloudFront - Overview  (18.48 MB)
008 CloudFront -  Practical pre-cleanup - [Lab]  (13.07 MB)
009 CloudFront - Establishing a CloudFront distribution - [Lab]  (139.15 MB)
010 Global Accelerator - Overview  (3.79 MB)
011 Global Accelerator - Understanding the performance and practicality - [Lab]  (51.39 MB)
001 What is Docker  (6.45 MB)
002 Managing docker containers on AWS  (16.15 MB)
003 Running docker containers on ECS - Deep dive  (23.44 MB)
004 What is Serverless computing  (6.54 MB)
005 ECS - Create your first cluster - Part 1 - [Lab]  (59.81 MB)
006 ECS - Independent and service-based task execution - Part 2 - [Lab]  (244.89 MB)
007 Lambda - Overview  (2.88 MB)
008 Lambda - Create your first virtual function - [Lab]  (130.75 MB)
001 CloudWatch - Overview  (14.45 MB)
002 CloudWatch - Analysing metrics - [Lab]  (100.88 MB)
003 CloudWatch - Implementing an alarm - [Lab]  (199.07 MB)
004 CloudWatch - Resource cleanup - [Lab]  (18.14 MB)
005 CloudWatch - Interpreting logs - [Lab]  (60.41 MB)
006 CloudTrail - Overview  (58.46 MB)
007 CloudTrail - Setting up a CloudTrail - [Lab]  (51.78 MB)
008 Personal Health Dashboard - Overview  (1.72 MB)
009 Personal Health Dashboard - Insights from the health dashboard - [Lab]  (65.13 MB)
001 Simple Queue Service (SQS) - Overview  (7.15 MB)
002 SQS - Create a simple queue - [Lab]  (82.38 MB)
003 Simple Notification Service (SNS) - Overview  (11.48 MB)
004 SNS - Sending notifications - [Lab]  (61.46 MB)
001 WAF - Overview  (5.03 MB)
002 WAF - Utilising web application firewall for security - [Lab]  (31.71 MB)
003 Shield - Overview  (16.73 MB)
004 Shield - Exploring DDoS protection with Shield - [Lab]  (42.64 MB)
005 Penetration testing  (5.3 MB)
006 Data encryption - An introduction  (8.91 MB)
007 KMS and CloudHSM - Overview  (7.46 MB)
008 KMS - Encrypting an EBS volume - [Lab]  (158.51 MB)
001 What is analytics - Overview  (2.01 MB)
002 Athena - Overview  (5.1 MB)
003 EMR - Overview  (4.44 MB)
004 QuickSight - Overview  (4.65 MB)
005 RedShift - Overview  (2.8 MB)
006 Glue - Overview  (3.67 MB)
007 Lake Formation - Overview  (4.53 MB)
008 Data Exchange - Overview  (3.32 MB)
001 LightSail - Overview  (3.02 MB)
002 LightSail - Exploring the capabilities and available resources -  [Lab]  (88.2 MB)
003 Secrets Manager - Overview  (3.12 MB)
004 Secrets Manager - Storing a new secret with Lambda - [Lab]  (54.28 MB)
005 Rekognition - Overview  (3.72 MB)
006 Rekognition - Discovering Rekognition - [Lab]  (89.03 MB)
001 Thank you! - A final message  (2.89 MB)

