3.95 GB | 00:17:59 | mp4 | 1280X720  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1  Welcome!  (47.61 MB)
2  About the exam & this course  (49.18 MB)
3  Important tips for this course  (16.58 MB)
5  AWS Free Trial Signup  (31 MB)
6  Cost & AWS Budget  (48.84 MB)
7  Generative AI & ML - Fundamentals  (35.98 MB)
1  Hands-on Amazon Rekognition  (64.03 MB)
2  Hands-on Using Rekognition in Lambda Function  (97.31 MB)
1  Hands-on Create an Index & Sync (Amazon Kendra)  (85.47 MB)
2  Hands-on Create Experience (Amazon Kendra)  (65.52 MB)
3  Hands-on Dataset Group (Amazon Personalize)  (118.81 MB)
4  Hands-on Training Dataset (Amazon Personalize)  (36.05 MB)
5  Hands-on Train Model (Amazon Personalize)  (50.44 MB)
6  Hands-on Make Predictions (Amazon Personalize)  (65.48 MB)
1  Machine Learning Development Lifecycle  (42.91 MB)
10  Hands-on Using SageMaker Notebooks  (82.83 MB)
2  SageMaker Data Collection & Feature Engineering  (35.09 MB)
3  SageMaker Model Training  (12.94 MB)
5  SageMaker Studio Environment  (11.16 MB)
6  SageMaker Model Options  (19.3 MB)
7  Performance Evaluation Metrics  (36.75 MB)
8  SageMaker Model Deployment  (22.84 MB)
9  Hands-on Setting up SageMaker Notebooks  (46.86 MB)
1  Setup & Event Type  (112.54 MB)
2  Build & Train Model  (47.09 MB)
3  Evaluate our Model  (84.79 MB)
4  Create Detector & Make Predictions  (81.03 MB)
5  Cleaning up resources  (57.12 MB)
1  Challenges of Responsible Al  (23.86 MB)
2  Strategies against Bias & Variance  (20.87 MB)
3  Generative Al Challenges  (5.75 MB)
4  Core Dimensions of Responsible Al  (9.61 MB)
5  Services & Tools for Responsible Al in AWS  (34.1 MB)
6  Transparent & Explainable Al Models  (26.14 MB)
7  Model Trade-Offs in Responsible Al  (18.68 MB)
8  Principles for Human-centered Design  (11.66 MB)
1  Hands-on Creating a bot (Amazon Lex)  (35.91 MB)
2  Hands-on Creating first intent (Amazon Lex)  (37.22 MB)
3  Hands-on Testing the bot (Amazon Lex)  (15.41 MB)
4  Hands-on Intents & Slot Types (Amazon Lex)  (64.01 MB)
2  Exam Signup & Get 30min more time!  (63.6 MB)
3  Final Exam Tips  (23.3 MB)
1  What is Amazon Q Business  (37.89 MB)
2  Hands-on Create Amazon Q Business Application  (118.74 MB)
3  Hands-on Assign Users & Test Application  (54.17 MB)
5  Hands-on Using Global Controls  (47.04 MB)
6  Hands-on Blocking Words  (20.62 MB)
7  Hands-on Topic Controls  (51.27 MB)
1  Amazon Transcribe  (48.82 MB)
2  Hands-on Amazon Transcribe  (84.1 MB)
2 1 Important tips for the course  (8.72 MB)
3  Amazon Polly  (16.96 MB)
4  Hands-on Pricing & Models (Amazon Polly)  (49.95 MB)
6  Hands-on Text-to-Speech (Amazon Polly)  (25.64 MB)
7  Hands-on SSML to modify speech output (Amazon Polly)  (45.88 MB)
8  Hands-on Real-time translation (Amazon Translate)  (52.06 MB)
9  Hands-on Batch job translation (Amazon Translate)  (91.37 MB)
9 1 Translate  (4.13 MB)
1  Diffusion Models  (23.85 MB)
2  Large Language Models  (16.12 MB)
3  GANs & VAEs  (26.94 MB)
5  Generative AI Capabilities  (32.23 MB)
6  Generative AI Challenges  (19.57 MB)
7  Selecting Generative AI Model  (30.51 MB)
8  Business Metrics  (32.15 MB)
1  What is Amazon Bedrock  (51.2 MB)
2  Amazon Bedrock - Architecture  (19.57 MB)
3  Amazon Bedrock - Use Cases  (13.56 MB)
5  Hands-on Exploring Amazon Bedrock  (73.07 MB)
6  Hands-on Installing Visual Studio Code  (13.21 MB)
7  Hands-on Setting up Visual Studio Code  (42.85 MB)
8  Hands-on Invoking Amazon Titan Model  (78.19 MB)
9  Hands-on Image Generation in Bedrock  (71.61 MB)
1  Why Improving Foundation Models  (15.92 MB)
10  Hands-on Testing Guardrails  (45.34 MB)
11  Hands-on Cleaning up resources  (15.02 MB)
2  Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)  (41.07 MB)
3  Hands-on Knowledge Base in Bedrock  (141.06 MB)
4  Agents  (29.07 MB)
6  Hands-on Prepare & Test Agent  (25.94 MB)
7  Hands-on Create Agent Action Group  (89.06 MB)
8  Hands-on Creating Guardrails  (48.28 MB)
9  Hands-on Setting up Agent  (58.94 MB)
1  Essentials of Prompt Engineering  (16.01 MB)
2  Optimizing Inference Parameters  (33.25 MB)
3  Prompting Best Practices  (18.93 MB)
4  Prompt Engineering Techniques  (32.56 MB)
5  Prompt Misuses and Risks  (26.08 MB)
1  Hands-on Amazon Comprehend  (58.11 MB)
2  Hands-on Amazon Comprehend Medical  (59.04 MB)
1  Hands-on Amazon Textract  (86.08 MB)

