1.9 GB | 00:18:34 | mp4 | 1920X1080  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
01  AI Engineering Bootcamp Learn AWS SageMaker with Patrik Szepesi - Zer - 1920x1080 2055K  (17.13 MB)
02  Course Introduction - Zer - 1920x1080 278K  (17.41 MB)
03  Setting Up Our AWS Account - Zer - 1920x1080 441K  (13.03 MB)
04  Set Up IAM Roles + Best Practices - Zer - 1920x1080 484K  (23.32 MB)
05  AWS Security Best Practices - Zer - 1920x1080 468K  (21.99 MB)
06  Set Up AWS SageMaker Domain - Zer - 1920x1080 453K  (6.52 MB)
07  UI Domain Change - Zer - 1920x1080 606K  (2.46 MB)
08  Setting Up SageMaker Environment - Zer - 1920x1080 416K  (13.22 MB)
09  SageMaker Studio and Pricing - Zer - 1920x1080 429K  (28.39 MB)
10  Setup SageMaker Server + PyTorch - Zer - 1920x1080 342K  (15.82 MB)
11  HuggingFace Models, Sentiment Analysis, and AutoScaling - Zer - 1920x1080 703K  (91.79 MB)
12  Get Dataset for Multiclass Text Classification - Zer - 1920x1080 337K  (14.89 MB)
13  Creating Our AWS S3 Bucket - Zer - 1920x1080 445K  (12.07 MB)
14  Uploading Our Training Data to S3 - Zer - 1920x1080 497K  (4.61 MB)
15  Exploratory Data Analysis - Part 1 - Zer - 1920x1080 422K  (40.04 MB)
16  Exploratory Data Analysis - Part 2 - Zer - 1920x1080 323K  (13.77 MB)
17  Data Visualization and Best Practices - Zer - 1920x1080 296K  (25.99 MB)
18  Setting Up Our Training Job Notebook + Reasons to Use SageMaker - Zer - 1920x1080 457K  (55.7 MB)
19  Python Script for HuggingFace Estimator - Zer - 1920x1080 254K  (28.22 MB)
20  Creating Our Optional Experiment Notebook - Part 1 - Zer - 1920x1080 441K  (9.67 MB)
21  Creating Our Optional Experiment Notebook - Part 2 - Zer - 1920x1080 747K  (18.57 MB)
22  Encoding Categorical Labels to Numeric Values - Zer - 1920x1080 453K  (39.89 MB)
23  Understanding the Tokenization Vocabulary - Zer - 1920x1080 286K  (30.06 MB)
24  Encoding Tokens - Zer - 1920x1080 318K  (25.2 MB)
25  Practical Example of Tokenization and Encoding - Zer - 1920x1080 395K  (32.68 MB)
26  Creating Our Dataset Loader Class - Zer - 1920x1080 390K  (44.58 MB)
27  Setting Pytorch DataLoader - Zer - 1920x1080 337K  (36.75 MB)
28  Which Path Will You Take  - Zer - 1920x1080 227K  (2.42 MB)
29  DistilBert vs  Bert Differences - Zer - 1920x1080 234K  (7.69 MB)
30  Embeddings In A Continuous Vector Space - Zer - 1920x1080 240K  (12.86 MB)
31  Introduction To Positional Encodings - Zer - 1920x1080 229K  (8.34 MB)
32  Positional Encodings - Part 1 - Zer - 1920x1080 384K  (10.12 MB)
33  Positional Encodings - Part 2 (Even and Odd Indices) - Zer - 1920x1080 297K  (20.91 MB)
34  Why Use Sine and Cosine Functions - Zer - 1920x1080 337K  (12.22 MB)
35  Understanding the Nature of Sine and Cosine Functions - Zer - 1920x1080 419K  (26.88 MB)
36  Visualizing Positional Encodings in Sine and Cosine Graphs - Zer - 1920x1080 404K  (25.24 MB)
37  Solving the Equations to Get the Values for Positional Encodings - Zer - 1920x1080 324K  (39.19 MB)
38  Introduction to Attention Mechanism - Zer - 1920x1080 245K  (5.15 MB)
39  Query, Key and Value Matrix - Zer - 1920x1080 236K  (29.56 MB)
40  Getting Started with Our Step by Step Attention Calculation - Zer - 1920x1080 249K  (13.03 MB)
41  Calculating Key Vectors - Zer - 1920x1080 349K  (52.35 MB)
42  Query Matrix Introduction - Zer - 1920x1080 293K  (23.68 MB)
43  Calculating Raw Attention Scores - Zer - 1920x1080 295K  (48.01 MB)
44  Understanding the Mathematics Behind Dot Products and Vector Alignment - Zer - 1920x1080 328K  (31.54 MB)
45  Visualizing Raw Attention Scores in 2D - Zer - 1920x1080 310K  (12.97 MB)
46  Converting Raw Attention Scores to Probability Distributions with Softmax - Zer - 1920x1080 379K  (23.98 MB)
47  Normalization - Zer - 1920x1080 304K  (7.58 MB)
48  Understanding the Value Matrix and Value Vector - Zer - 1920x1080 296K  (21.25 MB)
49  Calculating the Final Context Aware Rich Representation for the Word  River  - Zer - 1920x1080 430K  (33.73 MB)
50  Understanding the Output - Zer - 1920x1080 497K  (5.35 MB)
51  Understanding Multi Head Attention - Zer - 1920x1080 345K  (30.02 MB)
52  Multi Head Attention Example and Subsequent Layers - Zer - 1920x1080 446K  (33.06 MB)
53  Masked Language Learning - Zer - 1920x1080 164K  (3.22 MB)
54  Exercise Imposter Syndrome - Zer - 1920x1080 894K  (10.49 MB)
55  Creating Our Custom Model Architecture with PyTorch - Zer - 1920x1080 293K  (37.18 MB)
56  Adding the Dropout, Linear Layer, and ReLU to Our Model - Zer - 1920x1080 317K  (33.41 MB)
57  Creating Our Accuracy Function - Zer - 1920x1080 296K  (27.98 MB)
58  Creating Our Train Function - Zer - 1920x1080 355K  (47.6 MB)
59  Finishing Our Train Function - Zer - 1920x1080 367K  (20.46 MB)
60  Setting Up the Validation Function - Zer - 1920x1080 354K  (34.91 MB)
61  Passing Parameters In SageMaker - Zer - 1920x1080 416K  (11.38 MB)
62  Setting Up Model Parameters For Training - Zer - 1920x1080 296K  (9.94 MB)
63  Understanding The Mathematics Behind Cross Entropy Loss - Zer - 1920x1080 359K  (13.68 MB)
64  Finishing Our Script py File - Zer - 1920x1080 412K  (20.76 MB)
65  Quota Increase - Zer - 1920x1080 549K  (24.8 MB)
66  Starting Our Training Job - Zer - 1920x1080 863K  (44.47 MB)
67  Debugging Our Training Job With AWS CloudWatch - Zer - 1920x1080 606K  (58.12 MB)
68  Analyzing Our Training Job Results - Zer - 1920x1080 707K  (29.74 MB)
69  Creating Our Inference Script For Our PyTorch Model - Zer - 1920x1080 324K  (19.53 MB)
70  Finishing Our PyTorch Inference Script - Zer - 1920x1080 365K  (23.4 MB)
71  Setting Up Our Deployment - Zer - 1920x1080 476K  (26 MB)
72  Deploying Our Model To A SageMaker Endpoint - Zer - 1920x1080 631K  (36.25 MB)
73  Introduction to Endpoint Load Testing - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 213K  (7.86 MB)
74  Creating Our Test Data for Load Testing - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 230K  (18.54 MB)
75  Upload Testing Data to S3 - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 715K  (4.5 MB)
76  Creating Our Model for Load Testing - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 782K  (18.79 MB)
77  Starting Our Load Test Job - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 621K  (27.52 MB)
78  Analyze Load Test Results - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 425K  (28.17 MB)
79  Deploying Our Endpoint - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 538K  (14.36 MB)
80  Creating Lambda Function to Call Our Endpoint - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 412K  (28.19 MB)
81  Setting Up Our AWS API Gateway - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 449K  (15.86 MB)
82  Testing Our Model with Postman, API Gateway and Lambda - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 518K  (19.98 MB)
83  Cleaning Up Resources - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 421K  (8.29 MB)
84  Thank You! - Zero To Mastery Academy - 1920x1080 1046K  (4.25 MB)

