12.05 GB | 00:17:56 | mp4 | 1280X720  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
001 Welcome!  (17.45 MB)
002 What is Laravel  (15.5 MB)
003 Why Laravel  (36.8 MB)
001 Intro to Setting Up  (47.06 MB)
002 MacOS Setup  (50.43 MB)
003 Windows Setup  (60.56 MB)
004 Linux Setup  (113.25 MB)
001 Understanding Composer  (80.47 MB)
002 Laravel Directory Structure  (87 MB)
003 Laravel Root Files  (82.29 MB)
004 Environments, Environments Variables and Configuration  (45.8 MB)
005 Autoloading and PSRs  (22.24 MB)
006 Using Artisan Commands  (47.5 MB)
001 Project #1 - Section Introduction  (12.41 MB)
003 All About Routing  (107.42 MB)
004 Blade Templates  (88.24 MB)
005 Blade Directives  (103.3 MB)
006 Layouts Using Template Inheritance  (136.27 MB)
007 Running a MySQL Database and Client Using Docker  (41.53 MB)
008 Connecting to the Database From Laravel  (66.32 MB)
009 Models and Migrations  (110.77 MB)
010 Model Factory and Seeder  (146.19 MB)
011 Model and Reading Data  (112.23 MB)
012 Forms and CSRF Protection  (75.79 MB)
013 Validating and Storing Data  (86.83 MB)
014 Sessions, Errors & Flash Messages  (55.06 MB)
015 Edit Form  (45.25 MB)
016 Keeping Old Values in the Form  (30.09 MB)
017 Reusability (Route Model Binding Form Requests, Mass Assignment)  (201.82 MB)
018 Deleting Data  (42.26 MB)
019 Reusing Blade Code - Subviews  (56.88 MB)
020 Adding Pagination  (25.46 MB)
021 Toggling Task State  (90.16 MB)
022 Adding Styling with Tailwind CSS  (124.33 MB)
023 Styling the Task Page  (140.08 MB)
024 Styling Forms  (91.97 MB)
025 Styling Flash Message & Using Alpine js  (97.46 MB)
001 Project #2 - Section Introduction  (16.34 MB)
002 Creating the Book Review Project and Setting Up  (82.74 MB)
003 Defining the One to Many Relationship  (55.64 MB)
004 Factory & Seeder  (128.92 MB)
005 Querying & Associating Related Models  (193.81 MB)
006 Local Query Scopes  (110.1 MB)
007 Aggregations on Relations  (41.52 MB)
008 Highest Rated & Popular Books  (28.86 MB)
009 HEADS UP! Explaining the Confusion with Popular Books Feature!  (10.56 MB)
010 Getting Books with Recent Reviews  (111.41 MB)
011 Controllers & Resource Controllers  (147.96 MB)
012 Displaying the Book List  (109.46 MB)
013 Filter Books by Title - Adding the Form  (65.19 MB)
014 Popular or Highest Rated - the View  (92.75 MB)
015 Popular or Highest Rated - the Logic  (70.67 MB)
016 One Book Page  (79.58 MB)
017 Cache and Caching Queries  (107.47 MB)
018 Invalidating Cache  (209.2 MB)
019 Rating and Review Count on All Pages  (58.75 MB)
020 Blade Components - Star Rating Component  (120.52 MB)
021 Scoped Resource Controller - Adding a Review  (162.88 MB)
022 Rate Limiting  (110.18 MB)
001 Project #3 - Section Introduction  (7.99 MB)
002 Creating the REST API Project  (175.92 MB)
003 Seeding Data for the REST API  (126.71 MB)
004 Postman REST Client Crash Course  (87.86 MB)
005 Storing Data and Validation  (81.46 MB)
006 Updating and Deleting Data  (84.62 MB)
007 API Resources - Controlling JSON Response  (76.91 MB)
008 Attendees and Pagination  (98.24 MB)
009 Optional Relation Loading  (104.03 MB)
010 Universal Relation Loading Trait  (117.94 MB)
011 Loading Attendee Relations  (16.33 MB)
012 Setting Up Authentication Using Sanctum  (181.65 MB)
013 Protecting Routes  (94.29 MB)
014 Automatically Adding Token in Postman Requests  (16.86 MB)
015 Revoking Tokens and Signing Out  (70.25 MB)
016 Authorization with Gates  (152.6 MB)
017 Authorization with Policies  (186.81 MB)
018 Manual Authorization with Policies  (11.31 MB)
019 Reminding About Events - Custom Artisan Command  (129.66 MB)
020 Reminding About Events - Task Scheduling  (96.53 MB)
021 Reminding About Events - Notifications and Email Sending  (138.66 MB)
022 Reminding About Events - Queues  (110.65 MB)
023 Throttling the API  (64.42 MB)
001 Project #4 - Section Introduction  (7.05 MB)
002 Creating the Project and Setting Up Livewire  (71.89 MB)
003 Creating Models and Migrations for the Poll App  (124.94 MB)
004 Your First Livewire Component  (41.62 MB)
005 How Livewire Works  (46.1 MB)
006 Actions in Livewire  (51.09 MB)
007 Editing Poll Options  (38.15 MB)
008 Creating a Poll  (49.28 MB)
009 Refactoring the Poll Storing Code  (34.2 MB)
010 Validation in Livewire  (66.73 MB)
011 Listing Polls Component  (41.27 MB)
012 Events - Communication Between Components  (25.22 MB)
013 Voting in Polls!  (29.02 MB)
001 Project #5 - Section Introduction  (40.22 MB)
002 Creating the Job Board Project and Job Model  (132.59 MB)
003 Adding Laravel Debugbar  (36.24 MB)
004 Setting Up Tailwind CSS using Vite (and Node)  (138.69 MB)
005 Layouts Using Components  (89.56 MB)
006 Jobs Page & Card Component  (81.22 MB)
007 Jobs Page Tag Component & Job Info  (138.23 MB)
008 Job Page Job Card & Link Button Components  (136.33 MB)
009 Breadcrumbs Navigation  (149.6 MB)
010 Filtering Jobs Tailwind Form Plugin & Text Inputs  (148.38 MB)
011 Filtering Jobs Form & Searching for Text in Job Posts  (39.95 MB)
012 Filtering Jobs Min & Max Salary  (70.06 MB)
013 Filtering Jobs Radio Button Filters (Select One Option of Many)  (109.72 MB)
014 Filtering Jobs Radio Group Component  (85.55 MB)
015 Filtering Jobs Configuring Labels and Talking About Arrays in PHP  (107.27 MB)
016 Filtering Jobs Clearing the Input  (151.25 MB)
017 Refactor Time Gradient Background, Styling Buttons, Adding Alpine js  (83.57 MB)
018 Refactor Time Plain Vanilla JavaScript to Alpine js  (82.23 MB)
019 Refactor Time Refactoring Filtering Backend Logic  (174.87 MB)
020 Employer Model, Migration, Relations  (118.74 MB)
021 Employer Factory & Seeder  (52.22 MB)
022 Employer Searching By Employer Name  (59.64 MB)
023 Employer Other Employer Jobs on the Job Page  (42.29 MB)
024 Authentication The Controller  (31.4 MB)
025 Authentication Sign-in Form  (136.56 MB)
026 Authentication Sign-in Logic  (90.75 MB)
027 Authentication Logging Out  (84.6 MB)
028 Applying for Jobs Model, Factory, Relations & Migration  (92.71 MB)
029 Applying for Jobs Controller, Routing and Application Form  (116.32 MB)
030 Applying for Jobs The Logic  (94.23 MB)
031 Applying for Jobs The Job Policy  (80.15 MB)
032 Applying for Jobs Did I Already Apply  (64.14 MB)
033 My Applications Controller and View  (98.87 MB)
034 My Applications Applicant Count, Average Asking Salary  (45.38 MB)
035 My Applications Cancelling Applications  (70.63 MB)
036 File Uploads Understanding File System & Configuring Disks  (64.12 MB)
037 File Uploads Uploading Files  (114.75 MB)
038 Refactor Time Displaying Input Errors  (83.51 MB)
039 Refactor Time Label Component  (54.96 MB)
040 Refactor Time Flash Errors  (6.9 MB)
041 Employer Register as an Employer  (125.55 MB)
042 Employer Middleware Checking for Permissions  (101.02 MB)
043 Employer Adding Jobs Form  (144.78 MB)
044 Employer Adding Jobs Logic  (116.13 MB)
045 Employer Job List  (122.16 MB)
046 Employer Editing Job Offer  (67.13 MB)
047 Employer Job Policy  (142.59 MB)
048 Employer Soft Deletes  (100.04 MB)
049 Employer Soft Deletes - Querying for Trashed Records  (39.21 MB)
050 Where Are We Right Now  (8.59 MB)

