4.12 GB | 00:10:33 | mp4 | 1280X720  | 16:9
Genre:eLearning |Language:English

Files Included :
1  Introduction (PDF  books and Tracker attached in resources )  (37.8 MB)
1  Error Handling- Introduction  (9.59 MB)
2  Q87  What is Error Handling in JS  (6.37 MB)
3  Q88  What is the role of finally block in JS  (9.01 MB)
4  Q89  What is the purpose of the throw statement in JS  (11.13 MB)
5  Q90  What is Error propagation in JS  (5.23 MB)
6  Q91  What are the best practices for error handling  (6.09 MB)
7  Q92  What are the different types of errors In JS  (8.04 MB)
1  Objects - Introduction  (10.22 MB)
10  Q101  What is the difference between deep copy and shallow copy in JS  (23.1 MB)
11  Q102  What is Set Object in JS  (18.63 MB)
12  Q103  What is Map Object in JS  (9.37 MB)
13  Q104  What is the difference between Map and Object in JS  (5.61 MB)
2  Q93  What are Objects in JS  (10.56 MB)
3  Q94  In how many ways we can create an object  (12.24 MB)
4  Q95  What is the difference between an array and an object  (5.23 MB)
5  Q96  How do you add or modify or delete properties of an object  (2.86 MB)
6  Q97  Explain the difference between dot notation and bracket notation  (9.95 MB)
7  Q98  What are some common methods to iterate over the properties of an object  (10.32 MB)
8  Q99  How do you check if a property exists in an object  (8.83 MB)
9  Q100  How do you clone or copy an object  (13.67 MB)
1  Events - Introduction  (10.23 MB)
10  Q113  What is the use of this keyword in the context of event handling in JS  (2.91 MB)
11  Q114  How to remove an event handler from an element in JS  (6.03 MB)
2  Q105  What are Events How are events triggered  (9.92 MB)
3  Q106  What are the types of events in JS  (8.82 MB)
4  Q107  What is Event Object in JS  (16.85 MB)
5  Q108  What is Event Delegation in JS  (12.63 MB)
6  Q109  What is Event Bubbling In JS  (11.13 MB)
7  Q110  How can you stop event propagation or event bubbling in JS  (10.32 MB)
8  Q111  What is Event Capturing in JS  (12.04 MB)
9  Q112  What is the purpose of the event preventDefault() method in JS  (6.56 MB)
1  Closures - Introduction  (9.97 MB)
2  Q115  Explain the concept of Lexical Scoping  (7.46 MB)
3  Q116  What is Closure  (10.65 MB)
4  Q117  What are the benefits of Closures  (30.87 MB)
5  Q118  What is the concept of Encapsulation in the context of closures  (7.93 MB)
6  Q119  What are the disadvantage or limitations of Closures  (6.26 MB)
7  Q120  How can you release the variable references or closures from memory  (2.82 MB)
8  Q121  What is the difference between a Regular Function and a Closure  (5.35 MB)
1  Asynchronous programming - Basics -  Introduction  (11.53 MB)
2  Q122  What is asynchronous programming in JS What is its use  (22.79 MB)
3  Q123  What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming  (11.7 MB)
4  Q124  What are the techniques for achieving asynchronous operations in JS  (2.7 MB)
5  Q125  What is setTimeout() How is it used to handle asynchronous operations  (15.67 MB)
6  Q126  What is setInterval() How is it used to handle asynchronous operations  (10.2 MB)
7  Q127  What is the role of callbacks in fetching API data asynchronously  (17.62 MB)
8  Q128  What is callback hell How can it be avoided  (15.01 MB)
1  Asynchronous Programming - Promises - Introduction  (12.12 MB)
2  Q129  What are Promises in JavaScript  (19.08 MB)
3  Q130  How to implement Promises in JavaScript  (18.29 MB)
4  Q131  When to use Promises in real applications  (3.88 MB)
5  Q132  What is the use of Promise all() method  (18.07 MB)
6  Q133  What is the use of Promise race() method  (11.82 MB)
7  Q134  What is the difference between Promise all() and Promise race()  (10.05 MB)
1  Asynchronous Programming - Async Await - Introduction  (7.81 MB)
2  Q135  What is the purpose of async await Compare it with Promises  (34.11 MB)
3  Q136  Explain the use of async and await keywords in JS  (23.57 MB)
4  Q137  Can we use async keyword without await keyword and vice versa  (4.8 MB)
5  Q138  How do you handle errors in async await functions  (3.18 MB)
1  Browser APIs & Web Storage - Introduction  (7.9 MB)
10  Q147  What is the difference between cookies and web storage  (8.15 MB)
11  Q148  When to use cookies and when to use web storage  (5.57 MB)
2  Q139  What is a window object  (5.4 MB)
3  Q140  What are Browser APIs in JS  (19.05 MB)
4  Q141  What is Web Storage, and its use How many types of web storage are there  (14.08 MB)
5  Q142  What is Local Storage How to store, retrieve and remove data from it  (18.06 MB)
6  Q143  What is Session Storage How to store, retrieve and remove data from it  (14.36 MB)
7  Q144  What is the difference between LocalStorage and SessionStorage  (17.34 MB)
8  Q145  How much data can be stored in localStorage and sessionStorage  (1.77 MB)
9  Q146  What are cookies How do you create and read cookies  (13.8 MB)
1  Classes, Constructors, this & Inheritance - Introduction  (5.53 MB)
2  Q149  What are Classes in JS  (22.23 MB)
3  Q150  What is a constructor  (4.81 MB)
4  Q151  What are constructor functions  (4.76 MB)
5  Q152  What is the use of this keyword  (8.64 MB)
6  Q153  Explain the concept of prototypal inheritance  (13.83 MB)
1  ECMAScript & Modules - Introduction  (8.83 MB)
2  Q154  What is ES6 What are some new features introduced by it  (5.5 MB)
3  Q155  What are Modules in JS  (17.56 MB)
4  Q156  What is the role of export keyword  (3.81 MB)
5  Q157  What are the advantages of modules  (3.38 MB)
6  Q158  What is the difference between named exports and default exports  (5.95 MB)
7  Q159  What is the difference between static and dynamic imports  (7.44 MB)
8  Q160  What are module bundlers  (8.48 MB)
1  Introduction - Basics  (22.38 MB)
10  Q9  What are operators What are the types of operators in JS  (32.5 MB)
11  Q10  What are the types of conditions statements in JS  (21.45 MB)
12  Q11  What is a loop What are the types of loops in JS  (8.91 MB)
13  Q12  What are Functions in JS What are the types of function  (6.46 MB)
14  Q13  What are Arrow Functions in JS What is it use  (11.19 MB)
15  Q14  What are Arrays in JS How to get, add & remove elements from arrays  (20.07 MB)
16  Q15  What are Objects in JS  (10.54 MB)
17  Q16  What is Scope in JavaScript  (9.85 MB)
18  Q17  What is Hoisting in JavaScript  (8.56 MB)
19  Q18  What is Error Handling in JS  (6.51 MB)
2  Q1  What is JavaScript What is the role of JavaScript engine  (16.93 MB)
20  Q19  What is JSON  (5.49 MB)
21  Q20  What is asynchronous programming in JS What is its use  (22.78 MB)
3  Q2  What are client side and server side  (7.84 MB)
4  Q3  What are variables What is the difference between var, let, and const  (21.72 MB)
5  Q4  What are some important string operations in JS  (20.37 MB)
6  Q5  What is DOM What is the difference between HTML and DOM  (18.14 MB)
7  Q6  What are selectors in JS  (5.44 MB)
8  Q7  Difference getElementById, getElementsByClassName and get elementsByTagName  (26.36 MB)
9  Q8  What are data types in JS  (7.58 MB)
1  Security & Performance - Introduction  (8.17 MB)
2  Q161  What is eval() function in JS  (3.14 MB)
3  Q162  What is XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attack  (5.49 MB)
4  Q163  What is SQL Injection attack  (3.54 MB)
5  Q164  What are some best practices for security in JS  (5.93 MB)
6  Q165  What are the best practices for improving performance in JS  (13.75 MB)
1  Scenario based - Tricky Short Questions - Introduction  (21.42 MB)
2  Q166- Q185  (51.94 MB)
1  Scenario based - Feature Development Questions - Introduction  (14.02 MB)
10  Q194  How to use JS to dynamically update date in real time on webpage  (10.24 MB)
11  Q195  Prevent a form from being submitted without required fields being filled  (5.26 MB)
2  Q186  How to validate user input as they type in a form  (10.85 MB)
3  Q187  How to implement pagination for displaying large sets of data  (14.4 MB)
4  Q188  How to implement drag-and-drop functionality for elements on a web page  (8.68 MB)
5  Q189  Feature that allows users to search for specific items in a large dataset  (7.61 MB)
6  Q190  Feature that allows users to perform live search suggestions as they type  (11.67 MB)
7  Q191  How to implement a real-time chat application using JS  (23.16 MB)
8  Q192  Create an infinite scrolling using JS when a user reaches the webpage  (10 MB)
9  Q193  Implement toggle switch to change the theme(lightdark mode) of a website  (9.01 MB)
1  Coding - Introduction  (14.48 MB)
10  Q204  Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number  (9.22 MB)
11  Q205  Write a program to remove all whitespace characters from a string  (13.61 MB)
12  Q206  Write a function to find the sum of all elements in an array  (3.88 MB)
13  Q207  Write a function to find the average of an array of numbers  (3.14 MB)
14  Q208  Write a function to sort an array of numbers in ascending order  (25.48 MB)
15  Q209  Write a function to check if an array is sorted in ascending order or not  (12.97 MB)
16  Q210  Write a function to merge two arrays into a single sorted array  (8.62 MB)
17  Q211  Write a function to remove a specific element from an array  (14.45 MB)
18  Q212  Write a function to find the second largest element in an array  (7.34 MB)
19  Q213  Write a function to reverse the order of words in a given sentence  (4.79 MB)
2  Q196  Write a function that returns the reverse of a string  (15.55 MB)
20  Q214  Function to find the longest common prefix among an array of strings  (32.85 MB)
21  Q215  Write a function to find the intersection of two arrays  (11.85 MB)
22  Q216  Write a function to calculate the Fibonacci sequence up to a given number  (14.4 MB)
3  Q197  Write a function that returns the longest word in the sentence  (15.52 MB)
4  Q198  Function that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not  (7.92 MB)
5  Q199  Write a function to remove duplicate elements from an array  (33.74 MB)
6  Q200  Write a function that checks whether two strings are anagrams or not  (13.29 MB)
7  Q201  Write a function that returns the number of vowels in a string  (10.65 MB)
8  Q202  Write a function to find the largest number in an array  (12.54 MB)
9  Q203  Write a function to check if a given number is prime or not  (16.38 MB)
1  HTML - CSS - Bootstrap - Introduction  (28.81 MB)
1  Q  What is HTML Differences between HTML & HTML5 Advantages of HTML5  (33.6 MB)
2  Q  What is the difference between HTML and XHTML  (18.98 MB)
3  Q  What is the role of DOCTYPE in HTML  (9.7 MB)
4  Q  What if you remove !DOCTYPE html from your HTML  (2.36 MB)
5  Q  Difference between Head & Body in HTML Where to place JS link reference  (18.3 MB)
6  Q  What is Title Tag in HTML What are the 4 advantages of Title tag  (11.02 MB)
7  Q  What are Meta Tags What are the 5 types of meta tags  (23.41 MB)
1  2  HTML Elements & Tags - Part I - Introduction  (18.15 MB)
2  Q  What are HTML elements What is the difference between Element & Tag  (19.48 MB)
3  Q  What are the roles and uses of the div element in HTML  (13.14 MB)
4  Q  What is the difference between div and span element  (4.45 MB)
5  Q  What is the role of p, a, br, hr, em, img, input & button ele  (15.17 MB)
6  Q  What is the role of header, main, section, footer & address elements in HTML  (13.73 MB)
7  Q  What is the role of Heading tags in HTML How does it impact Search engine optimization SEO  (26.74 MB)
8  Q  What is the difference between section & article elements  (13.65 MB)
1  3  HTML Elements & Tags - Part II - Introduction  (17.66 MB)
2  Q  What are Root, Parent, Child & Nested elements  (14.14 MB)
3  Q  What are Empty Elements  (8.29 MB)
4  Q  What are Semantic Elements in HTML Is div a semantic element  (13.02 MB)
5  Q  Can HTML tags be written in Uppercase  (4.6 MB)
6  Q  What are the 3 differences between Block-Level and Inline Elements  (12.31 MB)
7  Q  List all Block-Level & Inline Elements in HTML  (12.3 MB)
1  4  HTML Attributes - Introduction  (9.98 MB)
2  Q  What are HTML Attributes What are the Types of HTML attributes  (10.15 MB)
3  Q  What are the Id, Style & Class attributes of an element When to use what  (16.48 MB)
4  Q  What will happen if two elements have same ids  (6.89 MB)
5  Q  How to specify Multiple Classes for single element What is the style precede  (9.78 MB)
6  Q  What are Data Attributes in HTML  (11.86 MB)
1  5  HTML Links & Navigation - Introduction  (15.98 MB)
2  Q  What are the 5 Types of Links in HTML  (16.08 MB)
3  Q  What is the difference between Absolute and Relative URLs  (29.59 MB)
4  Q  What is the purpose of the nav element in HTML  (11.31 MB)
5  Q  What is a Fragment Identifier in a URL  (7.19 MB)
6  Q  What is the purpose of the base element in HTML  (6.96 MB)
7  Q  How do you add an external stylesheet in your HTML  (3.41 MB)
8  Q  How do you open a link in a new tab  (5.88 MB)
9  Q  How do you create an Email Link  (4.82 MB)
1  Variables & Datatypes - Introduction  (13.59 MB)
2  Q21  What are variables What is the difference between var, let, and const  (21.74 MB)
3  Q22  What are data types in JS  (7.57 MB)
4  Q23  What is the difference between primitive and non-primitive data types  (25.52 MB)
5  Q24  What is the difference between null and undefined in JS  (15.84 MB)
6  Q25  What is the use of typeof operator  (9.64 MB)
7  Q26  What is type coercion in JS  (9.83 MB)
1  6  HTML Lists & Tables - Introduction  (11.55 MB)
2  Q  What are the different Types of Lists in HTML  (16.99 MB)
3  Q  What is a Nested List in HTML  (4.66 MB)
4  Q  What are table, tr, th, td elements What are table advantages & disadvantage  (17.91 MB)
5  Q  What is the colspan attribute in HTML  (8.28 MB)
6  Q  What is the best way to add a border to a table, column and cell  (7.1 MB)
1  7  HTML Images & Multimedia - Introduction  (13.84 MB)
2  Q  How to embed an Image in HTML Why alt attribute is so important  (14.76 MB)
3  Q  What are the difference between JPEG and PNG image formats  (8.1 MB)
4  Q  How to embed Video element in HTML Why we need multiple source elements  (15.58 MB)
5  Q  How to embed Audio element in HTML  (4.76 MB)
6  Q  What are the Autoplay & Loop attributes in multimedia elements  (7.62 MB)
1  8  HTML Forms - Introduction  (12.93 MB)
2  Q  What are HTML Forms and what are its advantages  (12.69 MB)
3  Q  What are HTML Form Elements and their Main Attributes  (22.28 MB)
4  Q  How to Validate for empty input field in form  (5.26 MB)
5  Q  What is the role of the textarea element in a form  (9.82 MB)
6  Q  What are the Types of Input elements in a form  (13.59 MB)
7  Q  How to create radio buttons and checkboxes How to group them  (18.94 MB)
8  Q  What is the purpose of the select element in a form  (9.42 MB)
1  9  Best Practices, Boilerplate & Deployment - Introduction  (7.69 MB)
2  Q  What are top 10 Best Practices for writing HTML code  (31.44 MB)
3  Q  What is HTML5 Boilerplate code  (4.68 MB)
4  Q  How do you optimize an HTML website for Performance  (16.33 MB)
5  Q  What is Search engine optimization SEO What are 5 HTML Best Practices for Search engine optimization SEO  (25.65 MB)
6  Q  What are the 5 steps required for HTML website deployment  (7.99 MB)
1  10  HTML Responsiveness, Frameworks & Others - Introduction  (8.33 MB)
2  Q  What is Responsive Design  (5.68 MB)
3  Q  What are the top 3 things required to make a website Responsive in HTML  (12.9 MB)
4  Q  What are some Responsive Design Frameworks for HTML & CSS  (3.95 MB)
5  Q  What are HTML Entities How do you display special characters in HTML  (7.05 MB)
6  Q  What are the Top 5 Emerging Trends in HTML development  (14.57 MB)
1  1  CSS Basics & Implementation - Introduction  (12.32 MB)
10  Q  What are the 3 Types of CSS Preprocessors  (5.06 MB)
2  Q  What is CSS What are the 5 ways to Implement CSS in HTML  (11.39 MB)
3  Q  What is Inline Style in CSS When to use it in real applications  (7.43 MB)
4  Q  What is Internal Stylesheet in CSS When to use it in real applications  (12.89 MB)
5  Q  What is External Stylesheet  in CSS When to use it in real applications  (14.23 MB)
6  Q  What are the 5 advantages of external stylesheet  (11.67 MB)
7  Q  How do you Include CSS in a webpage or HTML  (3.51 MB)
8  Q  How to implement CSS using @import rule  (17.09 MB)
9  Q  What is CSS Preprocessors What is SCSS  (28.6 MB)
1  2  Selectors in CSS - Introduction  (9.8 MB)
2  Q  What are Selectors in CSS How many types of selectors are there  (6.48 MB)
3  Q  Difference between ID, Element & Class selector When to use which selector  (25.6 MB)
4  Q  What are Universal selectors  (4.11 MB)
5  Q  What are the Descendant Selectors in CSS  (12.75 MB)
6  Q  What are Attribute Selectors in CSS What are it's 5 Types  (24.44 MB)
7  Q  What are Child Selectors in CSS  (7.46 MB)
8  Q  How Child Selector is different from Descendent selectors  (1.42 MB)
9  Q  What are Pseudo-class Selector and Pseudo-element Selector  (11.17 MB)
1  3  Layout and Positioning - Introduction  (10.27 MB)
2  Q  Explain the concept of the Box Model in CSS  (9.88 MB)
3  Q  What is the difference between Padding and Margin  (9.89 MB)
4  Q  What is the difference between display inline & display block  (10.72 MB)
5  Q  What is the difference between display inline and display inlineblock  (11.69 MB)
6  Q  What is z-index property in CSS How same z-index elements will be displayed  (15.84 MB)
7  Q  What is the role of float property in CSS  (17.57 MB)
8  Q  What is the difference between position relative absolute fixed  (26.06 MB)
1  4  Responsive Design, Flexbox & Grid Layout - Introduction  (9.82 MB)
2  Q  What is the role of meta viewport tag  (19.02 MB)
3  Q  What are Media Queries in CSS  (7.44 MB)
4  Q  What is display flex in CSS  (17.67 MB)
5  Q  What is CSS Grid Layout in CSS  (6.57 MB)
6  Q  How can you create a Sticky Header in CSS  (2.98 MB)
7  Q  What are the 5 best practices for creating a Responsive Design using CSS  (12.8 MB)
1  1  Bootstrap - Introduction  (13.91 MB)
10  Q  What is Bootstrap Carousel component  (7.45 MB)
11  Q  Explain the difference between Bootstrap's container and container-fluid  (8.23 MB)
12  End  (11.19 MB)
2  Q  What is Bootstrap What are the other 5 responsive design frameworks  (8.21 MB)
3  Q  What are the 5 Advantages of using Bootstrap  (8.59 MB)
4  Q  What are the 2 ways to include Bootstrap framework for your website  (13.99 MB)
5  Q  Explain the Grid System in Bootstrap  (12.32 MB)
6  Q  What is the difference between col-xs, col-sm, col-md, col-lg & col-xl  (12.87 MB)
7  Q  What are Bootstrap Components What are Top 10 bootstrap components  (18.88 MB)
8  Q  What is a Bootstrap Modal component  (10.61 MB)
9  Q  What is a Bootstrap Navigation component  (5.76 MB)
1  Operators & Conditions - Introduction  (10.39 MB)
2  Q27  What are operators What are the types of operators in JS  (32.41 MB)
3  Q28  What is the difference between unary, binary, and ternary operators  (10.36 MB)
4  Q29  What is short-circuit evaluation in JS  (14.36 MB)
5  Q30  What is operator precedence  (4.58 MB)
6  Q31  What are the types of conditions statements in JS  (21.42 MB)
7  Q32  When to use which type of conditions statements in real applications  (30.7 MB)
8  Q33  What is the difference between == and ===  (8.85 MB)
9  Q34  What is the difference between Spread and Rest operator in JS  (23.02 MB)
1  Arrays - Introduction  (13.79 MB)
10  Q43  What is the difference map() and for Each() array methods of an Array  (19.68 MB)
11  Q44  How to sort and reverse an array  (3.85 MB)
12  Q45  What is Array Destructuring in JS  (9.24 MB)
13  Q46  What are array-like objects In JS  (22.27 MB)
14  Q47  How to convert an array-like object into an array  (11.34 MB)
2  Q35  What are Arrays in JS How to get, add & remove elements from arrays  (20.1 MB)
3  Q36  What is the indexOf() method of an Array  (3.14 MB)
4  Q37  What is the difference between find() and filter() methods of an Array  (21.86 MB)
5  Q38  What is the slice() method of an Array  (7.03 MB)
6  Q39  What is the difference between push() and concat () methods of an Array  (9.82 MB)
7  Q40  What is the difference between pop() and shift() methods of an Array  (9.64 MB)
8  Q41  What is the splice() method of an Array  (24.38 MB)
9  Q42  Difference between the slice() and  splice() methods of an Array  (2.34 MB)
1  Loops - Introduction  (11.29 MB)
2  Q48  What is a loop What are the types of loops in JS  (8.9 MB)
3  Q49  What is the difference between while and for loops  (13.08 MB)
4  Q50  What is the difference between while and do-while loops  (9.29 MB)
5  Q51  What is the difference between break and continue statement  (7.98 MB)
6  Q52  What is the difference between for and for.of loop in JS  (9.1 MB)
7  Q53  What is the difference between for.of and loop  (8.75 MB)
8  Q54  What is forEach method Compare it with for.of and loop  (17.72 MB)
9  Q55  When to use for.of loop and when to use forEach method in applications  (9.83 MB)
1  Functions - Introduction  (10.93 MB)
10  Q64  How do you use default parameters in a function  (4.32 MB)
11  Q65  What is the use of event handling in JS  (18.99 MB)
12  Q66  What are First-Class functions in JS  (9.26 MB)
13  Q67  What are Pure and Impure functions in JS  (21.17 MB)
14  Q68  What is Function Currying in JS  (19.34 MB)
15  Q69  What are call, apply and bind methods in JS  (19.59 MB)
2  Q56  What are Functions in JS What are the types of function  (6.47 MB)
3  Q57   Difference between named and anonymous functions  (10.69 MB)
4  Q58  What is function expression in JS  (5.85 MB)
5  Q59  What are Arrow Functions in JS What is it use  (11.2 MB)
6  Q60  What are Callback Functions What is it use  (15.13 MB)
7  Q61  What is Higher-order function In JS  (15.68 MB)
8  Q62  What is the difference between arguments and parameters  (2.85 MB)
9  Q63  In how many ways can you pass arguments to a function  (12.87 MB)
1  Strings - Introduction  (8.48 MB)
2  Q70  What is a String  (891.35 KB)
3  Q71  What are template literals and string interpolation in strings  (8.9 MB)
4  Q72  Difference between single quotes (''), double quotes () & backticks('')  (3.26 MB)
5  Q73  What are some important string operations in JS  (20.37 MB)
6  Q74  What is string immutability  (9.1 MB)
7  Q75  In how many ways you can concatenate strings  (8.67 MB)
1  DOM - Introduction  (9.3 MB)
10  Q84  How to add and remove style from HTML elements in DOM using JS  (7.28 MB)
11  Q85  Create new elements in DOM using JS  (20.85 MB)
12  Q86  What is the difference between createElement() and createTextNode()  (9.69 MB)
2  Q76  What is DOM What is the difference between HTML and DOM  (18.15 MB)
3  Q77  How do you select, modify, create and remove DOM elements  (9.14 MB)
4  Q78  What are selectors in JS  (5.44 MB)
5  Q79  Difference between getElementById,getElementsByClassName& getElementsByTag  (26.35 MB)
6  Q80  What is the difference between querySelector() and querySelectorAll()  (8.83 MB)
7  Q81  What are the methods to modify elements properties and attributes  (3.98 MB)
8  Q82  What is the difference between innerHTML and textContent  (12.86 MB)
9  Q83  How to add and remove properties of HTML elements in the DOM using JS  (7.97 MB)








