Основные нововведения в 6-ой версии:
* Физически-корректное освещение посредством HDRI.
* Экспорт Boolean-объектов в виде сеток (mesh).
* Поддержка многопроцессорности.
* Поддержка 16-битных изображений в Terrain Editor.
* Сжатие файлов при сохранении.
* Улучшен менеджер пресетов.
* Модуль импорта анимации из DAZ|Studio (который входит в комплект поставки).
* Продвинутое редактирование ландшафта.
* Инструмент Random Replicate (клонирование в случайное место).
* Текстуры луны для создания пейзажей спутников, астероидов и далеких планет.
* Подсказки при наведении курсора мыши.
For over a decade, artists of all mediums - print, video, multimedia or the web - have known Bryce, the affordable 3D software for achieving breathtakingly realistic imagery.
The latest incarnation, Bryce 6, will give those artists along with the new generation of creators the ability to work faster and create more realistic environments than ever before. Whether you are a professional designer, or a 3D graphics enthusiast, Bryce 6 provides you with the tools to literally create a world of your own.
Make your scenes more realistic by combining imported animations with your Bryce 6 scenes to create seamless productions of environments populated with human figures, animals and other characters. With improved support of animations created in DAZ|Studio software, included free with Bryce 6, you can place your characters directly into your Bryce 6 scenes and have them walk and talk right before your very eyes. Choose at what point you want the imported animations to begin, with the freedom to go back to DAZ|Studio to make any necessary adjustments to make them perfect. Then simply re-import those animations back into your Bryce 6 scene.
Bryce 6 is the ideal 3D software addition to your image editing toolbox. Now it is easier than ever to add artwork created in Bryce in conjunction with common image editing programs to merge photos and 3D artwork for an unlimited degree of creativity. For inspiration, take a look at the artwork hosted in the Bryce Gallery on the DAZ 3D website. There you'll find works created using nothing but Bryce, as well as many images where Bryce 3D elements such as terrains, skies, water, trees, models and more were combined with non-3D elements using photographic elements and layers in other applications to achieve the final artwork. Bryce 6 gives you the freedom to add realistic 3D environments to your existing workflow without the headache often associated with learning new tools.
◊ Add the vibrancy and realism of lighting sources captured from the real-world in High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI) to your renders with the new IBL (Image Based Lighting) menu inside the Sky Lab.
◊ Add life to your environments by animating your favorite DAZ 3D figures, animals and accessories with DAZ|Studio and then importing the animations into your Bryce 6 scene.
◊ New Image Based Brushes allow you to create custom looks to your terrains. Create your own custom brushes, and share them with others as you build a library of your favorites. There's no limit to what you can use as a brush now when editing terrains within the Terrain Editor.
◊ Take your custom Bryce creations into other 3D applications of your choice using the new Boolean mesh conversion tool within Bryce 6. With over a dozen different third party file formats to choose from, you'll be able to more easily combine custom Bryce elements with other applications in your project workflow.
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Член Клуба <Антияой>