Carved from Stone and Dream
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: In this sequel to Where Oblivion Lives, the first entry in the Los Nefilim series set during the Spanish Civil War, a coded notebook containing the identities of Los Nefilim's spies falls into enemy hands, and Diago is faced with an impossible choice: betray Los Nefilim or save his family.
February 1939

Catalonia has fallen. Los Nefilim is in retreat.
With the Nationalist forces hard on their heels, the members of Los Nefilim-Spanish Nephilim that possess the power to harness music and light in the supernatural war between the angels and daimons-make a desperate run for the French border.
Diago Alvarez, a singular being of angelic and daimonic descent, follo Guillermo and a small group of nefilim through the Pyrenees, where the ice is as treacherous as postwar loyalties-both can kill with a single slip. When a notebook of Los Nefilim's undercover operatives falls into a traitor's hands, Diago and Guillermo risk...

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