исполнитель: Fausto Papetti
альбом: MTV history 2000
год: 2000
Жанр (genre): Smooth Jazz,Orchestral Pop
формат: MP3(245)
Размер (Size): 136mb
лэйбл: Halahup Records / HAL596
01. Theme from paradise [0:03:16.18]
02. Emanuelle [0:03:19.02]
03. Love story [0:02:54.96]
04. Feelings [0:03:31.97]
05. Windmills of your mind [0:03:07.97]
06. Hello dolly [0:01:50.72]
07. Love me tender [0:02:45.48]
08. The shadow of your smile [0:02:26.81]
09. Summertime [0:02:23.17]
10. I just called to say i love you [0:03:08.13]
11. Blue eyes [0:03:23.89]
12. Run to me [0:02:47.76]
13. Strangers in the night [0:02:35.01]
14. Blue mood [0:02:20.62]
15. In a sentimental mood [0:02:24.86]
16. Laura [0:02:05.02]
17. Smooth operator [0:03:34.42]
18. Smoke gets in your eyes [0:02:27.28]
19. Un hommeet une femme [0:03:03.08]
20. Prima visione [0:03:00.12]
21. Unchained molody [0:02:39.81]
22. Revelations [0:03:29.16]
23. Sleepy shores [0:02:55.37]
24. Misty [0:02:47.40]
25. Yestrday [0:03:09.13]
26. The way we were [0:03:02.04]
27. Billitis [0:02:45.29]
28. Peer gynt [0:02:48.64]
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