Respected   How One Word Can Change More Than Just Your Love Life
Type : epub |
Size : 202.42 KB |
English |

: Respected is divided into three sections. In the first section, we will explore the necessity of loving ourselves before we try to love someone else (or ask someone else to love us). The second section contains my best advice on how to expect respect within romantic relationships and uphold the standards that match our deepest desires. I also discuss how to move forward after a difficult breakup (I wouldn't be a breakup coach if I didn't talk about breakups in my first book, right?). The last section is filled with stories of heartache from some of the most wonderful women I know. I think it's quite likely that you will find their stories as inspirational as I do, as each one of these women has learned what it means to be respected and to flourish in the midst of hardship.

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