The Power of Fastercise  Using the New Science of Signaling Exercise to Get Surprisingly Fit in Just a Few Minutes a Day
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: A revolutionary program of short burst, high-intensity exercise that uses your body's signals to curb hunger as it burns fat and builds muscle  Over the last 26 years, thyroid pioneer Denis Wilson, MD, has trained thousands of physicians on the crucial relationships between the thyroid system, metabolism, and body temperature. He's heard patients recount their inability to get fit using conventional approaches, and he's understood their frustration. Based on the latest medical research, Dr. Wilson has created fastercise, a revolutionary practice that uses brief, strategically timed bursts of exercise to cancel hunger pangs, allowing people to more easily stick to a healthy eating plan and shift their bodies toward becoming leaner, faster, smarter, stronger, and healthier. Fastercise holds the promise of vindicating and liberating many of those who have struggled to improve their fitness, enabling them to transform their lives and reach their full...

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