Cultural Anthropology, 3rd Edition
epub | 56.12 MB | English | Nancy Bonvillain | 2013
Description: This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include anymedia, website access codes, or print supplements that may comepackaged with the bound book.Integrates globalization and culturechange in every chapter.Cultural Anthropology introducesstudents to the concepts and methods that anthropologists bring tothe study of cross-cultural diversity.Nancy Bonvillain brings the study ofcultural anthropology to life by encouraging students to see whatis going on in the world and helping them understand how it affectscultures. She presents the voices of people studied byanthropologists, and highlights the dynamic, adaptive nature ofsocieties and cultures.A better teaching and learningexperienceThis program will provide a better teaching and learningexperience-for you and your students. Here's how:Personalize Learning - Thenew MyAnthroLab delivers proven results in helping studentssucceed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning,and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and adeep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve theirgoals.Improve Critical Thinking -Study features include preview and summary questions, criticalthinking questions, section revie, chapter summaries, and amargin glossary and marginal notes.Engage Students - Eachchapter includes features such as "In Their OwnVoices," "Anthropology Applied," and"Controversies."Understand Anthropology -"Case Study" features help students understand theconnections anthropologists make based on practices andchange.Support Instructors -MyAnthroLab, Class Preparation Tool, Instructor's Manual,MyTest, Powerpoints, and EthnoQuest® are available to bepackaged with this text.Note: MyAnthroLab does not comeautomatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyAnthroLab,please visit: or you canpurchase a ValuePack of the text + MyAnthrolab (at no additionalcost): ValuePack ISBN-10: 020588606X / ValuePack ISBN-13:9780205886067.
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