Аниме: KARAS
Музыка: Gorillaz - All alone
Автор (C): gotegenks
Жанр (genre): Action
Размер (Size) клипа: 79.23 Мб
Длительность: 03:53
Дата создания: 05.02.2012

Выдержка из комментария автора: This video is dedicated to one of the people i despise most in this community. The one editor who i've never fully liked, and who's never fully liked me. The first editor to challenge my superiority in the realm of editing and the one who stayed most constant in their distaste for my editing. The only editor to ever provide a challenge to me and flip flop in a way that was most maddening. This is dedicated to justin, j, jfag, jfarce, jforce321. one of the most hated editors in history, and one of the most proud people of being so hated.

(...)While he isn't a character of any attractive substance or notoriety, justin force is still a long time friend of mine and an editor who, thanks to the obnoxiousness and superiority complex he possessed, is responsible for the direction i've taken as an editor (and thereby as a person), and i am extremely grateful to and for him.

Разрешение: 1280x720@23.98fps
Формат: mp4

Подпись автора

"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"


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