Geomagic Freeform Plus 2021.1 | 1.1 Gb
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The 3D Systems development team is pleased to announce the availability of Geomagic Freeform Plus 2021.

1 is an organic, hybrid 3D product design application used to create manufacturing-ready models in multiple formats and is often used with haptic devices.
Enhanced color and texture tools allow for colors and patterns to be layered in a way that significantly impacts the outcome of parts designed for and printed by an HP Multi Jet Fusion 580 machine. Because this machine prints at the Voxel level, it can print more intricate designs and details in a build.
These automation enhancements to Dynabot allow for faster creation of custom designs utilizing automations.
The ability to import DICOM files allows for volumetric data to be directly imported into the application and converted to simplify the digital workflows created during the design process.
This feature improves the precision of the print, inversely reducing the number of iterations needed to finalize a product. This feature also introduces 2D slice measurements and a Multivox view.
The modeling and design tools present an enhanced 3D printability check. There are also new sharpen and flatten clay design tools that can be used to save during the modeling process.
The curve workflow's new tools work with extracting and offsetting contours and curves on rounded surfaces. - the industry's most comprehensive, organic, hybrid design software on the market-enables you to solve complex, precision design and manufacturing challenges and easily address challeg tasks within existing scan-to-print or CAD-to manufacturing workflows.
provides more tools for advanced design including a comprehensive design and sculpting toolset for sculpting.
takes the toolset to the next level by providing extensive hybrid design support, broader interoperability, and the tools you need to prepare your part for mold tooling and manufacturing.
For the ultimate in expressive freedom and faster modeling, Geomagic Freeform works with the Touch and Touch X haptic devices to add the sense of touch to your digital world-delivering freedom of motion and the physical sensation of sculpting in a virtual environment. This intuitive way of interacting with your 3D design reduces learning curves, speeds design, and allows you to deliver top-notch 3D data. In addition, Geomagic Freeform supports the primary mesh file formats for scan data import and live scanning for select scanners.
With the new capabilities of Geomagic Freeform 2021, you will benefit from optimized design workflows that create models faster and with more precision, saving both and money. New and enhanced features include directly importing DICOM files, new tools for designing like 3D Printability checking, multi-layer painting and texturing, and more.
brought the innovation of 3D printing to the manufacturing industry.  as the leading AM solutions company, it empowers manufacturers to create products and business models never before possible through transformed workflows. This is achieved with the Company's best-of-breed digital manufacturing ecosystem - comprised of plastic and metal 3D printers, print materials, on-demand manufacturing services and a portfolio of end-to-end manufacturing software.
Geomagic Freeform
Plus 2021.1.25
x64 multilanguage
PC *
1.1 Gb
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