Autodesk HSMWorks 2019-R1.42925 Beta (x64) Include Serial | Size 560 MB
Release Date : 2018
Languages : English / Multilanguage
Operating System : Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 64-bit
Please note that you need to use a temporary serial to activate 2019 and that this license will expire in approx. 1 month.
New in this version:
Added support for thread mill when using thread mill cycle in Drilling strategy.
Added support for tube stock in Job.
Fixed issue where model analysis could fail if model has a bad (degenerate) face for drilling.
Updated list of Solidworks commands that don't need geometry analysis when closed.
Toolpath preview is correct now for patterns with large toolpath.
Fixed wrong calculation of minimum and maximum radial extents for Tube Stock.
Fixed issue with wrong default parameter for Secondary Spindle Chuck, causing the height plane to be offset
Fixed potential failure when using store as template.
Changes to toolpath generation:
Fixed wrong feed for finishing pass for Turning Profile when using no drag feature.
Fixed retract below clearance radius for ID machining using Turning Profile.
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing for narrow pockets.
Fixed wrong linking for 2D Contour.
Fixed generation failure for Adaptive Clearing.
Fixed wrong retract for Adaptive Clearing.
Fixed fragmented finishing path issue for Turning Profile.
Fixed lead-out outside of allowed area for Turning Profile.
Changes to post processor:
Added support for subprograms for Fanuc post.
Added support for IJK when using G73/G83 for Fadal post.
Added support for IJK when using G73/G83 for next generation HAAS post.
Added property 'writeCuttingModes' to output colors used for laser cutting for Universal Laser DXF post.
Added support for IJK when using G73/G83 for HAAS post.
General improvements and simplification of HAAS DS-30y post.
Major update of multi-axis support for HURCO post.
Added support for controlling G61/G64 smoothing using property 'useSmoothing' for UCCNC post.
Added more information for circular moves for Dump post.
Improved rotary axis clamp handling for HAAS posts.
Turn off coolant on tool change for Mitsubishi turning post.
Added warning when using work offset 0 with non-zero work offsets at the same time for common ISO posts.
Only allow up to 90deg sweeps for G2/G3 moves when using R-word (radius) instead of IJK-words (center) to avoid problems on some CNCs where the center could potentially drift significantly for a correct NC program and hence result in wrong machining. The problem can be exposed when cutting around 180deg arcs on some CNCs. If a particular CNC does not have a such a problem the post can be customized to allow bigger arcs. IJK-mode remains unchanged and is recommended over using R-word.
Added spindle stop and M0 at tool change for UCCNC posts.
Changed maximum sweep to 90deg for circular motion for Datron post for improved part quality.
Changed post to use IJK for G2/G3 instead of R for better part quality.
Limit circular motion to maximum 90deg for improved part quality.
Changed HAAS post to use IJK for G2/G3 instead of R for better part quality.
Force G95 for tapping for Fanuc post.
Updated tool definition for CAMPlete APT post.
Updated tool support for CAMPlete APT post.
Only output G69 when G68 is active for HAAS posts.
Added new property 'SB3v36' to control tool changes for Shopbot OpenSBP post.
Added 'spindleDirectionCode' property to control spindle M-codes for Shopbot ISO post.
Fixed parametric feed support when using feed per revolution for turning posts.
Fixed tapping support for UCCNC post.
Fixed support for tapping cycles and dwell for UCCNC posts.
Fixed various mill-turn issues like C-axis output for HAAS DS-30Y post.
Fixed potential post failure for Siemens mill-turn post.
Fixed potential error when using parametric feed.
Fixed wrong code for Tormach Turning (Slant-PRO) post.
Fixed inverse time support for Tormach post.
Fixed missing G94/G95 after G96/G97 issue for Siemens mill-turn post.
Fixed failure when using setup sheet.
Fixed failure for driling for Fanuc turning post.
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