SILKYPIX JPEG Photography v8.2.19.0 (x64) Include Crack  | Size 97 MB 

Release Date : 2018
Languages : English
Operating System : Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 64-bit

With SILKYPIX JPEG Photography 8, you can release your creativity! Improve your JPEG photos taken with digital cameras, smart phones, and other devices. Use clarity tools to adjust sharpness, the freehand selection brush and other tools. Produce the high quality photo you imagined when you took your picture.

SILKYPIX RAW Bridge is an ISL own technology for high quality, precise control of the image enhancement and transformation process.
Although JPEG data uses 8 bit (256 gradations) gradation, it is automatically expanded to 16 bit (65,536 gradations) using SILKYPIX RAW Bridge. By treating JPEG data in a similar way to RAW data, high gradation rich image quality adjustment is possible.

--Maker taste
Fine street, Landscape, Nostalgic toy camera, Red enhancer, Portrait, Blue sky, Sunset, Sepia, Instant film, Diver’s eye II (underwater)

Auto Exposure Bias, Exposure Bias, HDR, Dodge HDR, Color Burn HDR, Dodge / Color Burn, Dodge, Color Burn, Exposure bias tool

--White Balance
Auto (Absolute / Natural / Underwater), Color Temperature, Color Deflection, Dark Adjustment, Multi-light source compensation, White Balance Adjustment, Gray balance tool, Skin color tool

Tone taste (Lowest contrast / Low contrast / A little low contrast / Average contrast / A little strong contrast / Strong contrast / Strongest contrast / Standard), Contrast, Contrast center, Gamma, Black level, Clarity

--Tone Curve
RGB Tone Curve, RGB Each Tone Curve, L Tone Curve, Level correction, Automatic level correction

Saturation taste (Standard color / Memory color 1 / Memory color 2 / Portrait color 1 / Portrait color 2 / Portrait color 3 / Film color V1 / Film color V2 / Film color P / Film color A / Film color K / Monochrome / Monochrome 2), Fine-Tuning Saturation

Outline emphasis, Detail emphasis, False outline ctrl, Natural Sharp, Normal sharp, Pure detail, Unsharp mask

--Monochrome controller
Color Filter (Red / Orange / Yellow / Green-yellow / Green / Blue / Purple / Pink), Lightness (Adjust the lightness of various hues using the slider.)

--Underwater photo controller
Auto White balance for underwater photo, Gray balance tool for underwater photo, Water depth, Color deflection (underwater), Color restoration, Muddy reduction

--Partial correction tool
Circular correction filter, Gradual correction filter, Brush area

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