Graitec OMD 2018 Include Patch | Size 1.59 GB
Release Date : 2018
Languages : English
Operating System : Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
System Type : 64-bit
Graitec OMD 2018 is an application in the field of building simulation that displays the initial estimation of the system. while calculating all elements of load distribution, windowing and seismic evaluation. Since the launch of the Graitec OMD software in 1993, it has become the reference software in continental Europe for designing. and designing reinforced concrete buildings. In Addition Graitec OMD 2018 received a 3-D model of building including slabs, beams, pillars, walls. and paving, and after it evaluated the overall stability of the structure and automatically draws all the details that enhance the building.
Features For Graitec OMD 2018
Integrated with 3D CAD with the ability to view previous hardware that is designed with Advance Concrete.
Also Provide an initial estimate.
It has a 3-D generation of snow, wind and load that impose on the structure.
The analysis of load distribution and wind bracing and the combination of traditional methods and sophisticated.
digital modeling techniques.
Seismic evaluation in dynamic modal.
Also Generate calculation report, material bills, armature ratio and automatic cost estimation.
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