[center]Last updated 12/2016
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 134.56 MB | Duration: 0h 52m

Practicing tongue twisters helps you learn accurate and smooth pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese language.[/align]

What you'll learn
Practicing tongue twisters will improve the accuracy and smoothness of your Chinese pronunciation
Before trying this course, first learn the fundamentals of Chinese pronunciation
Tongue twisters are ideal for pronunciation practice
In Chinese, tongue twisters (绕口令 ràokǒulìng) repeat similar consonants and vowels that are easy to mix up to make them difficult to say. "Raokouling" have a distinctive rhythm that make them fun to read out loud, motivating you to keep practicing until you can say them.
If you've grown bored of pronunciation practice or if you're having trouble pronouncing certain sounds, try including "raokouling" in your practice. And if you get the chance, show off the "raokouling" you've learned for your Chinese friends.
Beautiful pronunciation by a professional narrator
All voice was recorded by a professional narrator.
Includes slow and fast versions
A slow version and a fast version of the tongue twister are included in each movie, one after the other.
The subtitles change color in time with the voice, allowing you to follow along and pick up the natural places to pause that aren't obvious from the punctuation as well as practice by imitating the narrator's inflection.
Start with the slow version to pay attention to each individual sound, and practice carefully to get as close as possible to the narrator. The more correct your pronunciation, the faster you will get without even trying.
Practice different consonants and vowels
The 76 "raokouling" in the course are divided by consonant and vowel types. You can practice them in any order, so listen to them first and choose what you'd like to start with.
Review at your own pace with a PDF textbook
The course also comes with a textbook in PDF format, so you can review each "raokouling" at your own pace.
No hanzi required
Don't know Chinese characters? No problem!
Each "raokouling" is accompanied by voice and pinyin, so you can practice even if you don't know hanzi.
Lecture 1 How to proceed in your studies
Section 1: Practice for Consonants (1): b p m f
Lecture 2 PDF text
Lecture 3 R001-葡萄皮儿 (Grape skin)
Lecture 4 R002-八百标兵 (800 Parade Guards)
Lecture 5 R003-烙饼 (Baking a cake)
Lecture 6 R004-白庙和白猫 (White Temple and White Cat)
Lecture 7 R005-画凤凰 (Draw a Phoenix)
Section 2: Practice for Consonants (2): d t n l
Lecture 8 PDF text
Lecture 9 R006-大兔子和大肚子 (The Big Bunny and the Big Belly)
Lecture 10 R007-梨和泥 (Pear and Mud)
Lecture 11 R008-四辆四轮大马车 (Four Four-Wheeled Big Carriages)
Lecture 12 R009-牛顶柳 (Cattle Headbutts Willow)
Lecture 13 R010-扁担长板凳寛 (Shoulder Pole is Long, Stool is Wide)
Section 3: Practice for Consonants (3): g k h
Lecture 14 PDF text
Lecture 15 R011-哥哥捉鸽 (Big Brother Captures a Dove)
Lecture 16 R012-哥挎瓜筐过寛沟 (Big Brother Carries Melon Basket Across a Wide Ditch)
Lecture 17 R013-风吹灰飞 (Wind blows, Dust flies)
Section 4: Practice for Consonants (4): j q x
Lecture 18 PDF text
Lecture 19 R014-七加一 (Seven Plus One)
Lecture 20 R015-真稀奇 (Really Bizarre)
Lecture 21 R016-漆匠和锡匠 (The Lacquerer and the Tinsmith)
Section 5: Practice for Consonants (5): zh ch sh r
Lecture 22 PDF text
Lecture 23 R017-学时事 (Studying Current Events)
Lecture 24 R018-晒人肉 (Tanned Skin)
Lecture 25 R019-焼香要焼萧山香 (When Burning Incense, Burn Xiaoshan Incense)
Section 6: Practice for Consonants (6): z c s
Lecture 26 PDF text
Lecture 27 R020-做早操 (Do Morning Exercises)
Lecture 28 R021-崔粗腿和崔腿粗 (Cui Thickleg and Cui Legthick)
Lecture 29 R022-司机买雌鸡 (A Driver Buys Chickens)
Lecture 30 R023-桑山 (Mulberry Tree Mountain)
Lecture 31 R024-丝缠蚕 (A Silkworm Swathed in Silk)
Lecture 32 R025-蚕和蝉 (Silkworm and Cicada)
Lecture 33 R026-登山 (Mountain Climbing)
Lecture 34 R027-三山撑四水 (Three Mountains Fill Four Rivers)
Lecture 35 R028-紫丝线织紫狮子 (Weave Purple Silk Strands Into a Purple Lion)
Section 7: Practice for Vowels (1): a o e i u ü
Lecture 36 PDF text
Lecture 37 R029-白石塔 (White Stone Tower)
Lecture 38 R030-瓦打马 (Tile Hits Horse)
Lecture 39 R031-墨与馍 (Ink and Steamed Bun)
Lecture 40 R032-买饽饽 (Buying Pastries)
Lecture 41 R033-阁上一窝鸽 (In the Attic There's a Nest of Doves)
Lecture 42 R034-鹅过河 (Goose Crosses the River)
Lecture 43 R035-吃荸荠 (Eat Water Chestnuts)
Lecture 44 R036-鼓上画只虎 (The Tiger Drawn on Top of the Drum)
Lecture 45 R037-苏州有个苏胡子 (In Suzhou There's a Su Huzi)
Lecture 46 R038-醋布兔 (Vinegar, Cloth, Rabbit)
Lecture 47 R039-芜湖徐如玉 (Xu Ruyu of Wuhu)
Lecture 48 R040-女小吕和女老李 (The Woman Young Lu and the Woman Old Li)
Section 8: Practice for Vowels (2): ai ei ao ou
Lecture 49 PDF text
Lecture 50 R041-白菜和海帯 (Cabbage and Kelp)
Lecture 51 R042-贝贝和菲菲 (Beibei and Feifei)
Lecture 52 R043-毛毛和涛涛 (Maomao and Taotao)
Lecture 53 R044-兜装豆 (Beans Held in a Bag)
Section 9: Practice for Vowels (3): iao iou uai uei
Lecture 54 PDF text
Lecture 55 R045-鸟看表 (Bird Sees Watch)
Lecture 56 R046-猫闹鸟 (Cat Pesters Bird)
Lecture 57 R047-酒换油 (Trade Wine for Oil)
Lecture 58 R048-铜勺和鉄勺 (Copper Spoon and Iron Spoon)
Lecture 59 R049-槐树槐 (Locust Tree)
Lecture 60 R050-嘴和腿 (Lips and Legs)
Section 10: Practice for Vowels (4): ia ie ua uo üe
Lecture 61 PDF text
Lecture 62 R051-花鸭与彩霞 (Multicoloured Duck and Pink Clouds)
Lecture 63 R052-切茄子 (Slicing Eggplant)
Lecture 64 R053-瓜棚挂瓜 (Melon Shack Hangs Melons)
Lecture 65 R054-夸骆驼 (Praising a Camel)
Lecture 66 R055-窝和锅 (Nest and Pot)
Lecture 67 R056-灰喜鹊和黒喜鹊 (Gray Magpie and Black Magpie)
Section 11: Practice for Vowels (5): an ian uan üan en uen in ün
Lecture 68 PDF text
Lecture 69 R057-帆船 (Sailboat)
Lecture 70 R058-水连天 (Water Meets Sky)
Lecture 71 R059-蓝布棉门帘
Lecture 72 R060-严眼圆 (Yan Eyesround)
Lecture 73 R061-小陈和小沈 (Xiao Chen and Xiao Shen)
Lecture 74 R062-炖冻豆腐 (Stew Frozen Tofu)
Lecture 75 R063-换裙子 (Changing Skirts)
Section 12: Practice for Vowels (6): ang iang uang eng ueng ong iong ing
Lecture 76 PDF text
Lecture 77 R064-小良救羊 (Xiao Liang Saves Sheep)
Lecture 78 R065-船和床 (Boat and Bed)
Lecture 79 R066-真冷 (Really Cold)
Lecture 80 R067-陈和程 (Chen and Cheng)
Lecture 81 R068-老翁和老翁 (Old Man and Old Man)
Lecture 82 R069-蜻蜓青萍分不清 (The Separation Between Dragonflies and Blue Duckweed is Unclear)
Lecture 83 R070-通信不同姓 (Correspondents not Clansmen)
Lecture 84 R071-银星和阴云 (Silver Star and Dark Cloud)
Lecture 85 R072-盆和瓶 (Pot and Bottle)
Lecture 86 R073-风、松、钟、弓 (Wind, Pine, Clock, Bow)
Lecture 87 R074-东洞庭西洞庭 (East Dongting, West Dongting)
Lecture 88 R075-学游泳 (Learning to Swim)
Section 13: Practice for Erhua(儿化)
Lecture 89 PDF text
Lecture 90 R076-小女孩儿
People practicing Chinese pronunciation,People having problems with Chinese pronunciation,People working on pronouncing certain sounds,People who want to impress Chinese friends with tongue twisters

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