C Programming Made easy for Beginners Step by Step Approach
Language: English
Files Type: mp4, c, srt, html| Size: 8.38 GB
Video: 22:58:03 |  1280X720 | 829 Kbps
Audio: mp4a-40-2 | 128 Kbps | AAC

Videos Files :
1   Intructors Note.mp4 (41.41 MB)
2   Install Setup and Settings of Code Blocks.mp4 (37.53 MB)
3   First C Program.mp4 (49.93 MB)
4   Coding challenge 1 Hello World.mp4 (38.23 MB)
5   Introduction to Programming.mp4 (42.31 MB)
6   Programming Languages.mp4 (43.66 MB)
7   Types of Programming Languages.mp4 (65.36 MB)
8   Structured Programming Language.mp4 (29.52 MB)
9   Program Development and Execution.mp4 (54.07 MB)
118   Introduction to Strings in C Language.mp4 (49.29 MB)
119   String Functions in C Language.mp4 (83.89 MB)
120   Practice Program ALL Builtin String Functions in C.mp4 (35.94 MB)
121   Practice Program String Operations without using String Functions in C.mp4 (142.19 MB)
122   Programming Challenge and Solution Case Conversion in String using Pointers.mp4 (102.63 MB)
123   Coding Challenge 16 Playing with Characters.mp4 (33.4 MB)
124   Coding Challenge 17 Printing Tokens from a String.mp4 (36.44 MB)
125   Coding Challenge 18 Digit Frequency.mp4 (71.54 MB)
126   Coding Challenge 19 Sorting Array of Strings.mp4 (120.16 MB)
127   Coding Challenge 20 Permutations of Strings.mp4 (74.97 MB)
128   Coding Challenge 21 Querying the Document.mp4 (132.7 MB)
129   Introduction to Structures and Unions in C.mp4 (33.55 MB)
130   Basics of Structures in C.mp4 (80.9 MB)
131   Practice Program Structures in C.mp4 (26.61 MB)
132   Nested Structures in C Language.mp4 (66.87 MB)
133   Practice Program using Nested Structures.mp4 (56.99 MB)
134   Arrays of Structures in C.mp4 (34.01 MB)
135   SelfReferential Structures in C.mp4 (28.73 MB)
136   Structures and Pointers in C Language.mp4 (40.42 MB)
137   Structures and Functions in C.mp4 (59.76 MB)
138   Unions in C Language.mp4 (47.61 MB)
139   BitFields in C.mp4 (26.18 MB)
140   Enum and Typedef Data types in C.mp4 (52.87 MB)
141   Programming Challenge Hardware Item details using nested structure.mp4 (107.92 MB)
142   Programming Challenge Menu Driven Application Program for Employee Structure.mp4 (56.64 MB)
143   Coding Challenge 22 Boxes through a Tunnel.mp4 (38.89 MB)
144   Coding Challenge 23 Small Triangles Large Triangles.mp4 (63.02 MB)
145   Coding Challenge 24 Post Transition.mp4 (174.98 MB)
146   Coding Challenge 25 Structuring the Document.mp4 (67.14 MB)
147   Introduction to Files in C Language.mp4 (37.62 MB)
148   Files and Streams in C.mp4 (51.13 MB)
149   Types of Files in C.mp4 (59.83 MB)
150   Working with Files in C.mp4 (67.11 MB)
151   Practice Program Files in C.mp4 (47.76 MB)
152   File Functions in C.mp4 (109.82 MB)
153   Programming Challenge Append the Contents in a File.mp4 (72.41 MB)
154   Programming Challenge Copy the contents of one file into another file.mp4 (52.12 MB)
155   Programming Challenge Count the of chars words and sentences from a File.mp4 (52.03 MB)
156   Programming Challenge Create separate Files based on IQ Scores of Employees.mp4 (96.7 MB)
157   Resources.mp4 (791.65 KB)
10   Benefits of C Language.mp4 (43.55 MB)
11   Assemblers Compilers and Interpreters.mp4 (49.92 MB)
12   BugError and Debug.mp4 (45.74 MB)
13   Brief History of C Language.mp4 (18.48 MB)
14   Keywords and Identifiers in C.mp4 (28.71 MB)
15   Practice Program Keywords and Identifiers in C.mp4 (56.97 MB)
16   Comments in C.mp4 (32.12 MB)
17   Practice Program Comments in C.mp4 (30.77 MB)
18   Variables Literals and Constants.mp4 (50.51 MB)
19   Data Types in C.mp4 (17.56 MB)
20   Primary Data Types in C.mp4 (48.3 MB)
21   Practice Program Primary Data Types in C.mp4 (33.56 MB)
22   Coding Challenge 2 Sum and Difference of Numbers.mp4 (37.18 MB)
23   Expressions and Precedence.mp4 (54.62 MB)
24   InputOutputIO functions in C.mp4 (23.1 MB)
25   Introduction to Operators in C.mp4 (36.42 MB)
26   Arithmetic Operators.mp4 (23.71 MB)
27   Practice Program using Arithmetic Operators.mp4 (31.39 MB)
28   Increment Decrement Operators.mp4 (68.25 MB)
29   Practice Program using Increment Decrement Operators.mp4 (53.47 MB)
30   Assignment Operators.mp4 (18.36 MB)
31   Relational Operators.mp4 (29.26 MB)
32   Logical Operators.mp4 (38.6 MB)
33   sizeof Operator in C Language.mp4 (23.25 MB)
34   Bitwise Operators.mp4 (31.67 MB)
35   Practice Program using Bitwise Operators in C Language.mp4 (100.48 MB)
36   Coding Challenge 3 Bitwise Operators in C.mp4 (72.55 MB)
37   Ternary Operator in C Language.mp4 (43.43 MB)
38   Programming Challenge and its SolutionFinding the largest of 3 numbers using.mp4 (79.42 MB)
39   Operator Precedence and Associativity in C Language.mp4 (64.61 MB)
40   Flow Control Statements in C Program.mp4 (50.98 MB)
41   Decision Control Statements including if ifelse nestedif and ifelse Ladder.mp4 (143.86 MB)
42   Practice Program Simple if Condition in C.mp4 (42.77 MB)
43   Practice Program elseif Condition in C.mp4 (28.99 MB)
44   Practice Program Nestedif Condition in C.mp4 (49.3 MB)
45   Practice Program ifelse ladder in C.mp4 (37.3 MB)
46   Coding Challenge 4 Conditional Statement in C.mp4 (21.11 MB)
47   Understanding Switch Case Statements in C Language.mp4 (51.41 MB)
48   Programming Challenge and its SolutionFind the largest of 3 nos using ifelse.mp4 (35.5 MB)
49   Programming Challenge To Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation.mp4 (20.58 MB)
50   Solution to Programming Challenge To Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation.mp4 (48.51 MB)
51   Programming Challenge To Find the charges for an Electricity Bill.mp4 (57.41 MB)
52   Solution to Programming Challenge To Find the charges for an Electricity Bill.mp4 (47.39 MB)
53   Introduction to Loops in C.mp4 (23.03 MB)
54   Understanding While Loop in C Language.mp4 (34.09 MB)
55   Practice Program using while Loop in C Language.mp4 (48.6 MB)
56   Understanding For Loop in C Language.mp4 (47.67 MB)
57   Practice Program Accessing ASCII values using for Loop.mp4 (39.16 MB)
58   Practice Program using for Loop in C Language.mp4 (46.52 MB)
59   Coding Challenge 5 For Loop.mp4 (43.94 MB)
60   Understanding dowhile loop in C Language.mp4 (65.8 MB)
61   Practice Program using dowhile Loop in C Language.mp4 (40.99 MB)
62   Understanding break and continue statements in C Language.mp4 (37.24 MB)
63   Understanding Nested loops in C Language.mp4 (69.95 MB)
64   Programming Challenge To print a Multiplication Table.mp4 (35.39 MB)
65   Solution to Programming Challenge To print a Multiplication Table.mp4 (39.08 MB)
66   Programming Challenge To Reverse a Given Number.mp4 (19.89 MB)
67   Solution to Programming Challenge To Reverse a Given Number.mp4 (18.34 MB)
68   Programming Challenge To find whether a Given Number is PALINDROME or NOT.mp4 (23.31 MB)
69   Solution to Programming Challenge Number is PALINDROME or NOT.mp4 (53.26 MB)
70   Programming Challenge with solution To print a Pascal Triangle.mp4 (42.11 MB)
71   Coding Challenge 6 Sum of Digits.mp4 (36.5 MB)
72   Coding Challenge 7 Pattern Printing.mp4 (40.19 MB)
73   Goto and Labels in C Language.mp4 (42.09 MB)
74   Introduction to Functions in C.mp4 (66.97 MB)
75   Understanding Userdefined Functions in C.mp4 (109.33 MB)
76   Practice Program CallByValue Parameter Passing Mechanism in C.mp4 (45.81 MB)
77   Introduction to storage classes in C includes autostaticregister and extern.mp4 (88.05 MB)
78   Recursion or Recursive Functions in C.mp4 (127.09 MB)
79   Practice Program using Recursive functions.mp4 (55.2 MB)
80   Variadic Functions in C.mp4 (54.65 MB)
81   Variadic Macros with Practice Program.mp4 (73.7 MB)
82   Programming Challenge To Find the GCD of two given Numbers.mp4 (33.63 MB)
83   Solution to Programming Challenge To Find the GCD of two given Numbers.mp4 (66.05 MB)
84   Programming Challenge To Find the Fibonacci of a given Numbers.mp4 (21.56 MB)
85   Solution to Programming Challenge To Find the Fibonacci of a given Numbers.mp4 (77.04 MB)
86   Coding Challenge 8 Greatest among 4 numbers using functions.mp4 (43.32 MB)
87   Coding Challenge 9 Sum of Nth Term using Recursion.mp4 (70.76 MB)
88   Coding Challenge 10 Variadic Functions in C.mp4 (60.44 MB)
100   Practice Program 2Dimensional Array in C Language.mp4 (46.76 MB)
101   Practice Program Matrix Addition using 2Dim Array.mp4 (71.27 MB)
102   Practice Program Matrix Multiplication using 2Dim Array.mp4 (74.93 MB)
103   3Dimensional Array in C Language and the Practice Program.mp4 (79.47 MB)
104   Coding Challenge 12 Dynamic Array in C.mp4 (54.7 MB)
89   Introduction to Arrays in C Language.mp4 (65.76 MB)
90   Basics of Arrays in C Language.mp4 (109.11 MB)
91   Practice Program Bubble Sort using 1Dimensional Array in C Language.mp4 (64.76 MB)
92   Programming Challenge To sort the elements using Selection Sort Technique.mp4 (63.61 MB)
93   Solution to Programming Challenge To sort the elements using Selection Sort.mp4 (58.42 MB)
94   Programming Challenge To search an Element using Linear Search.mp4 (34.14 MB)
95   Solution to Programming Challenge Linear Search.mp4 (65.83 MB)
96   Programming Challenge & Solution Binary Search.mp4 (111.94 MB)
97   Coding Challenge 11 Array Reversal.mp4 (47.01 MB)
98   MultiDimensional Arrays in C Language.mp4 (38.58 MB)
99   2Dimensional Array in C Language.mp4 (69.84 MB)
105   Introduction to Pointers in C.mp4 (49.51 MB)
106   Practice Program Pointers in C Language.mp4 (38.94 MB)
107   Pointers and Arrays in C Language.mp4 (81.67 MB)
108   Coding Challenge 13 Gender based Students Marks Summation.mp4 (62.81 MB)
109   Pointer Arithmetic in C Language.mp4 (95.21 MB)
110   Pointer to a pointer in C Language.mp4 (62.68 MB)
111   Pointers and Functions in C Language.mp4 (62.93 MB)
112   Practice Program CallByReference Parameter Passing Mechanism in C.mp4 (56.05 MB)
113   Misc Types of Pointers incl NULL pointer Void pointer etc.mp4 (43.68 MB)
114   Dynamic Memory Allocation in C Language.mp4 (80.35 MB)
115   Practice Program Dynamic Memory Allocation using malloc Function.mp4 (44.22 MB)
116   Coding Challenge 14 1D Arrays in C Dynamic Memory Allocation.mp4 (41.9 MB)
117   Coding Challenge 15 Pointers in C.mp4 (45.97 MB)