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Вы здесь » www.prizrak.ws » Games of Forum » Ассоциации. (слова)>>ЭПИЗОД II
Устал как пес после охоты
Устал от этой жуткой суеты
От людского понимания свободы
И глупого понятия любви
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
просто улыбнись=)
Лесбиянство, гомосексуализм, мазохизм, садизм - это не извращения.
Извращений, собственно, только два:хоккей на траве и балет на льду.
Член клуба [ЮРИ]
Член Клуба <Антияой>
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
Королева(если все правильно понял)
Безвыходных ситуаций не бывает! Всегда есть 3 выхода: смириться, не смириться и сойти с ума!
"Абсолютно безумно, бессмысленно, нелогично, но правильно!"
Много зла в умелых руках могут превратится в намного лучшее, чем много добра в неумелых руках....
Член клуба Позити ффф
Строгий инквизитор
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
I'm always waiting for a red letter day
I'm always waiting for a red letter day
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
сеть ресторанов
незнакомое название
I'm always waiting for a red letter day
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
ЕсТь ТоЛьКо ДвА мНеНиЯ мОё И Не ПрАвИлЬнОе)))
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
пиво - моя слабость, флуд - моя жизнь...)))
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
"her penultimate sighs called softly on the kindling wind
her saintly eyes filling with tears, lifting with truth
and then a golden flash like the onset of heaven
leaving her screams breaking my heart
and in the grip of fire I knew the death of love"
Член клуба Позити ффф
Вы здесь » www.prizrak.ws » Games of Forum » Ассоциации. (слова)>>ЭПИЗОД II